[F] London – Broke a nail and lost my keys but last night was still sick.

I [posted last night](https://www.reddit.com/r/dirtyr4r/comments/77vr53/24_f4m_london_england_got_stood_up/) trying to find someone at *really* short notice, sort of sceptical and not quite getting my hopes up, not wanting to prolly cry myself to sleep after my (dickhead) boyfriend stood me up, again.

I’m pleased to say that it went better than I’d hoped!

I’ve never done a success story here before even though I’ve had some amazing times on reddit, but seeing as I’ve got some time right now, I thought I’d go ahead and post my first.

The guy I ended up picking, who as requested won’t be named (but obvs knows who he is ?✌), got in touch and it was obvious we had a lot of chemistry from the get go. I was sitting in a downstairs part of a cafe at the time with my phone, all too aware of when it was closing, excited but a little sceptical that this could actually happen. But he was nearby, *so* my type, and seemed like just the type of person to brighten up my crappy evening.