The Tomb of Tum Hora

Hello again. Since it is Halloween, I wanted to write a Halloween theme story. I have to apologies because the theme I was going for was mummy based, but it soon became less Haloween-esq and more historical-fantasy.

Still, I hope you enjoy!


In my dreams I travel through time,

The sands whisper to me,

The black pyramid calls,

Tum Hora

Queen Asra stands at the precipice of the Sahara desert, the resting place of her ancestral kin. The home of the pharaohs of old. Here she traveled under the cover of the stars, dressed in traveling attire as she prepared to traverse the Egyptian desert alone. Her advisors protested such recklessness, but the sands beckoned her and like her mother before her, and her mother before her, she had to answer.

The gladiator who killed an emperor for love

This is my first post and I have to say this might not be the typical post. This is a love story about a former gladiator who falls in love with a princess of Rome. There love was a secret and revealed when her brother caught them being intimate. The emperor was about to kill her sister when the gladiator intervened. The story takes place with the gladiator now sentenced to die in the arena and is visited by his lover once last time.
I hope you enjoy!
“It is the death of a beast-fighter, you say. Is it less, because of that, the blood of a man? Or is it viler blood because it is from the veins of a wicked man? At any rate it is shed in murder.”

Emperor Pertinax, year 182, one week after Emperor Commodus’s assassination

When Augustus ascended to the throne and declared himself emperor of Rome, establishing Pax Romana, he and his successors became living gods. More powerful than Jupiter himself, the Emperor never bleed while within the walls of the Eternal City. That is until a former bestiarius (gladiator) struck down god himself for the one he loved.