Desperate for Her (FF) (adultery) (squirting) (bisexual)

My husband Scott and I had been married for almost 11 years now. When we were younger we had a great sex life, but things had started to change recently. He started struggling with ED and a low libido. We hadn’t had sex in a year and though I sometimes gave him a blowjob here and there, I usually ended up masterbating after he fell asleep. It was starting to take its toll on our relationship, and my self-esteem. I tried sending sexts and sexy photos but didn’t get much in return. I started watching porn while he was at work just to relieve some of my sexual energy. I was so pent up I felt like I was vibrating with desire but I loved him so there was really nothing I could do.
I figured it would help me blow off some steam to have a girls night with my bestie from college. She and I didn’t get to spend a lot of time together these days but I knew if I called her up, she’d be down to hang out. When Friday night rolled around I was so excited. I had stocked up on wine, Wild Turkey (our go to liquor from our wild college days) and plenty of extra buttery popcorn plus picked out a couple of romcoms from Redbox.
At six o’clock my doorbell rang. I opened the door and there was Melody, looking as amazing as ever. She had lost the snakebite piercings she had in college but she still had her cute nose ring. She had let her brunette hair grow out since the last time I saw her, it fell down to her ribs now, framing her tits perfectly. I could see her strappy bralette sticking out of her stretchy tank top that barely covered her bellybutton. Like I said, gorgeous as always. I gave her a huge hug and invited her in.
I don’t know if it was because I had been so horny lately or because she just looked so stunning, but I couldn’t help remembering that time in college where a group of boys dared us to kiss each other. She was straight but I was still confused about my sexuality. I kissed girls at parties and sometimes fantasized about touching their boobs but I had always dated and loved men. I’ll never forget that kiss with her though. Her lips were pillowy and tasted sweet, her tongue was gentle and probing. I was jealous of her boyfriend at the time who got to kiss her whenever he wanted. I pushed my memory aside and poured us both a glass of sweet red wine so we could sit and catch up.
Scott came downstairs and told us to have a fun night. He was heading over to his parents for a few to give us some time alone. He gave me a quick peck on the lips, told us not to get too carried away and then left.
Melody told me she was going through a dry spell herself, she and her long term boyfriend had ended things about eight months ago and since then she had started a Tinder account to try to find men. Apparently it wasn’t going well, all she seemed to find were creeps sending her dick pics and asking for nudes. We scrolled through some of her conversations and had a good laugh. I told her about the problems Scott and I were having and she was very sympathetic. She told me she had a boyfriend once who had ED and they had tried a cockring to help him stay hard during sex. I knew that Scott would never even consider it so I was still out of luck.
By time we were done gabbing our pizza arrived and we poured more wine and started our movie. Melody looked so cute, her pretty painted toes tucked up next to her, hair thrown to one side while she went to town on our extra cheesy slice. I started to wonder if she would let me kiss her if I plied her with enough alcohol but then I gave myself a mental slap. I couldn’t do that to Scott. I continued to watch our movie and tried to keep my wandering eye in check by just telling myself it was hormonal urges from being so unsatisfied lately.
When the movie ended I suggested we do a few shots and go sit outside on the patio. I remembered that Melody liked to smoke when she was drinking and we were both starting to get a little giggly from the wine.
We went outside and lit my big citronella candle. I poured the amber liquid into our glasses and we toasted to all sorts of silly things, big dicks, queso and chips, finishing a shampoo bottle at the same time as your conditioner. It was so much fun, I was really starting to relax. In the candlight though I could see that the cool night air had made Melody’s nipples start to harden. My inhibitions were down and I started to get wet thinking about pulling her top off. Maybe when Scott came home for bed I could entice him into going down on me. I hoped so anyway because my mind was definitely starting to have more and more inappropriate thoughts about my best friend.
It was probably about an hour later that I heard the front door. Scott walked out to check on us and tell us goodnight. He looked so handsome in his faded shirt and his worn out jeans. I jumped up and started to kiss him but he pulled me away and laughed telling me maybe I should switch to water soon. He gave me a peck on the forehead and gave Melody a one-armed hug and told us he was going to turn in for the night reminding us to behave ourselves. Melody just giggled and told him we always do. I told him I probably wouldn’t be far behind him.
We stayed out for another hour or so, drinking and dragging on our cigarettes when Melody started yawning. I told her we could turn in, I just had to go make up the sofa for her. We took our glasses in and dropped them in the sink and she said she was going to head to the bathroom to get comfortable. I went to the closet and pulled out extra sheets and blankets to make up the couch. When I was done I heard Melody come back in, she was in an adorable babydoll nightgown that showed off the curves of her chest nicely. It’s a good thing Scott had never found Melody attractive otherwise I’d be worried about him seeing her in this outfit. She had washed all the makeup off her face and her natural beauty glowed with her faintly pink cheeks from all the alcohol. I gave her a hug goodnight mostly so I could feel her tits pressed against mine even for a moment. She gave another huge yawn and sat on the couch sliding her beautiful creamy legs under the covers. I turned off the overhead light and headed upstairs.
Once I had taken off my clothes, washed my face and moisturized my skin I was ready to crawl in bed next to Scott. He wasn’t sleeping very well, I could tell. He woke slightly when I got under the covers and I had an idea. I was still wet from lusting over Melody and I thought maybe tonight I could get him to want me. It had at least been a week since he last got off. I started running my nails gently across his back. He sighed in his sleep. I started kissing his back and his broad shoulders, running my hands across his abdomen. He woke slightly again and so I whispered in his ear that I knew how I could help him sleep better as I ran my hand down to his boxers. He chuckled a little and told me tonight wasn’t a good night because his stomach had been hurting. I felt so dejected. How could this man that I love not even want to try to be sexual with me anymore. I was so frustrated I rolled over and started silently crying. His sighs gave way to loud snores and I decided I may as well get out my vibrator again. But then my thoughts wandered to my couch. With my gorgeous friend sleeping in that nightgown. I wondered what kind of panties she was wearing and what she would do if I kissed her again. I had to stop thinking like this! My husband was asleep next to me for gods sake. I got out my purple vibrator and decided an orgasm should take care of these naughty things I kept thinking. As I started to touch myself I started wishing I had a dildo. My vibrator was wonderful and all but if my husband couldn’t preform then I was going to have to find some way to get that feeling of being filled up. I started to raise up my hips as I could feel my orgasm building and then in the middle of my fantasy I started to imagine going down on Melody. I wanted to run my tongue over her clit and hear my name whimpered from her soft lips. I wanted to make her cum on my face while she begged for more. My orgasm hit in huge waves as I pressed my face into my pillow so Scott wouldn’t hear me. I quickly shut off the vibrator so I didn’t overstimulate my now swollen and sensitive clit. I rolled over thinking that should do the trick so I could get some sleep but sleep didn’t come. I still wanted more. I wanted Melody. I couldn’t take it anymore. I don’t know if it was the alcohol making me brave but I decided in that moment that I was going to go downstairs even if it was just to look at her.
I tiptoed down the stairs and into the living room. The lights from the tv flickered across her form on the couch. She was facing me and had one leg kicked partly off the sofa and out of the blanket. Seeing her exposed thigh and her one breast about to spill out of her nightgown drove me crazy. I went to the kitchen and took a swig of whiskey straight from the bottle trying to calm my nerves. Maybe just one touch. She was sleeping pretty hard and one touch couldn’t hurt. I went back to the living room and gently ran my hand up her leg. My fingertips reached the edge of her cotton panties and I felt a jolt of electricity run through me just thinking about how close I was to her pussy. I removed my hand and instead grazed across her tits. The skin was so soft, so warm. Through her nightgown I started to make circles around her nipple and to my surprise it started to harden under my touch. I was losing control. Just one touch wasn’t going to be enough. My clit was throbbing and I could feel my wetness starting to spread down my legs. If I crossed this line I could lose my best friend. What would she think if she woke up and I was fondling her? How could I explain myself? There was probably nothing I could say to make her understand. She wasn’t into women, I knew that. But here I was, wanting her so badly it hurt. Throwing caution to the wind I gently crawled onto the sofa with her. She sighed but didn’t wake up. If I was going to do this, it was now or never. I slowly leaned my head to her and started to kiss her lips. At first it was just gentle kisses but then I started to probe her mouth with my tongue. My heart leapt out of my chest when she moaned a little and started to kiss me back! Her eyes stayed shut but there was no mistaking that she was responding to me. I put my hands on her face and started to kiss her more deeply, savoring her sweet breath from the wine. It was then that her eyes fluttered open and I was terrified she would push me away. But she didn’t. I pulled back and told her I was sorry and that I would stop but she gave me a strange look and told me that it was okay. That spurred me on. I just wanted to please her, to taste her and make her cum. I grabbed a fist of her silky brown hair and pulled it hard so her head raised up and I could trail kisses across her exposed neck. She moaned deeply and started to wiggle underneath me. My hands found her breasts and teased her little pink nipples. I couldn’t get enough of feeling her huge mounds in my hand. I knew I needed to taste more of her so I sat up and asked her to scoot to the edge of the couch. As I kneeled in front of her, her legs spread, I could see a small wet spot already forming on her panties. Her juices seeping through the cotton fabric. I grabbed it at each side of her hip and she raised up as I pulled them down off of her. There it was. Her glistening pussy with soft brown curls all around it. I was nervous now because I had never gone down on a woman and I didn’t know if I would be good at it. I looked up and asked her if she wanted me. Lust in her eyes, she nodded her head and said yes. I didn’t waste another minute, I stuck my tongue out and drove my mouth into my first pussy. It was so slick and when I made circles around her clit I could feel how hard it was. The more I explored her, the more I could feel her squirm. I started long strokes from the bottom of her all the way back up to her hood, slow at first and then going a little faster, always making sure my final flick of the tongue landed on her swollen clit. She grabbed my hair on either side and pushed me down into her plump lips harder. I started fucking her with my tongue and tasting her sweet, mustiness. I could tell she enjoyed it by her moans of, “yes!” And, “don’t stop!” If her orgasm was building I figured it was time to work on just her desperate clit. I ran my tongue up her and started swirling and sucking on that beautiful pink pearl until I knew she was about to go over the edge. As soon as I felt her orgasm starting I shoved two fingers in her and fucked her as deep as I could. Her body shook and I could feel her legs want to clamp shut as she started to cum but I kept going because I knew she was a squirter and damnit if I wasn’t going to get this right. As I pumped my fingers in and out of her while my other hand continued to massage her clit I felt it, warm liquid oozing around my fingers and splashing out onto my couch as she came in front of me. I removed my fingers and more gushed onto me. I felt so satisfied. She lay there panting, occasional cold chills running through her body as the last of her orgasm faded. I climbed up next to her and kissed her again.
When I stood back up I went to get a towel from the bathroom to clean Melody and the floor up. After she was dry and comfortable I covered her back up. I started walking toward the stairs when I heard her softly say, “Thank you.” I just smiled.
I crept back into my bedroom and saw that Scott was thankfully still asleep. I climbed back in bed feeling sort of guilty but also sort of excited that her pussy juice was still smeared on my face. It felt so good to pleasure someone, to make them feel good. I knew it wouldn’t take me long to fall asleep now I just hoped that things wouldn’t be awkward in the morning…