Life-long Bully Intrudes and Catches Me Cum Inside his Twin Sister [MF]

Some people never mentally progress past high school. And that was the case with Jason. But even at 30 and divorced, he still had the entitled belief that the world owed him. Abigail and I had been married for 2 years, bought an amazing old house with a sweet pool, and were very low contact with her family.

Her dad was proud of her following in the family footsteps and starting a career as a lawyer, but Jason was still the golden child. And just as in college where he’d take her car instead of putting gas in his, he decided that he could drive to our house and use our pool whenever he wanted.

Having our own home gave us plenty of opportunities to explore sexually with complete privacy. There have been and still are many adventures and trials of new things. But the hardest thing was to get Abigail to skinny dip with me. Between her brother’s unannounced appearances and her own body image issues, I couldn’t get her to swim nude.

Honeymoon with my Bully’s Twin Sister [MF]

It was the day of the formal dinner on our week long honeymoon cruise. Abigail was keeping her outfit a secret until time. We laid naked in bed talking to pass time until dinner.

“Do you remember prom night?” Abigail asked.

“Of course I do. Neither of us had dates or reasons to go so we worked.”

“Well, yeah, but do you remember that night?”

“Of course I do. It was one of, if not the slowest night we worked there.”

“And we talked almost our whole shift.”

“I remember. We had gotten to know each other but we really talked deeply and shared a lot.”

“Yep.” She smiled her famous smile. “That was the night I knew how much I liked you. And wished I had the courage to tell you.”

“Awwwww.” I thought for a second. “I didn’t want that night to end. But I was already crushing pretty hard, so…”

We reminisced as we lay there gently touching each other. Enjoying the touch and each other. It was then that Abigail finally explained that her self-esteem issues with her paunch and large areolas came from her mom. And how her mom tried to force diets on her and even took her to a plastic surgeon at 14 to get her areolas fixed.

I Married My Bully’s Twin Sister [MF]

Abigail and I both were low contact with our families. As middle child with ADHD, Bipolar, and OCD, I would never become more than what I was when I was younger or live up to my brother and sister. Abigail would never be seen in the same light as her golden child twin brother.

We were starting our careers and managing our money well when I proposed. We asked for no help and planned a simple wedding. The only thing we didn’t fund was our honeymoon: a week long cruise gifted by her aunt and uncle.

And though it was painful, we knew it was best to invite our families. She even let her dad walk her down the aisle. He was a passive pushover but he did try even if her brother commanded all the attention.

I’m not afraid to say I cried as I saw her walk down the aisle. She was beautiful. But as we exited as man and wife, I could see her brother sneer. Everyone mostly kept their cool throughout the day. But as we joined our families for breakfast the next day, her mom and brother stormed out when no one gave him attention. Only her dad and his then wife stayed from her immediate family.

[M]y [F]irst Blowjob Makes Me Lose NNN with the Cumshot of a Lifetime

Abigail didn’t go home much at all after leaving for college. Her twin brother, my bully and the star athlete in high school, was always the golden child with a sense of entitlement to match. Her grandparents and aunt and uncle were really the only ones who looked out for her. When Jason was given a BMW, she got her grandfather’s old diesel Mercedes. When she got valedictorian, he got the graduation party. So it was understandable that she felt no strong desire to go home.

But Thanksgiving of 2010 was to be a family affair, and she begrudgingly agreed to go home. If only so I could meet the family members she so loved. My family would be with my older sister, so she convinced me to tag along.

Abigail and I had experimented in many ways since we [lost our virginities to each other]( at 18. At least insomuch as two full time students with jobs can do. My stamina had increased over time, despite the girl with deep blue green eyes and just the right amount of curves and slight paunch being the girl of my high school fantasies.

Revenge on my Bully with the Help of his Twin Sister [MF] [Long]

Sorry this is kind of long. But the back story is necessary…I think.

By the time summer rolled around in 2006 and freshman year was over, things had hit a snag between Abigail and myself. The long distance thing had really taken its toll. We both cried when we realized how unsustainable it felt. Two full-time students with jobs and a couple of hours between us had caused a strain.

I’d still visit some weekends, and we talked everyday still. There was the awkwardness where I love you’s used to be, we ended up fucking a few times, and she briefly dated (but didn’t sleep with) another guy. With the migration to Facebook, we both had our relationship status as “it’s complicated” as we tried to figure out what we really wanted.

Sure, I missed the days of laughing at cheesy porn, watching movies and playing games, and long talks that flowed easily. But it’s hard when you need someone and they’re not there. Phone calls and IMs can leave a lot to be desired. It was the choice we had to make.

My Bully’s Twin Sister Part II [MF]

Abigail and I spent the night cuddling and talking as the sounds of the party continued into the early morning hours. Even as the sun began to rise, we were still chatting and periodically exploring each other’s bodies and learning what felt good.

We learned we had more in common than we thought as we talked. By the time the sun rose, we had no idea that we had talked and touched the night away. We finally dressed and parted ways.

“Will you be there tonight?” Abigail asked as she walked me to my car.

You see, one of the odd things about homecoming at my high school is that the previous graduating class is invited to the homecoming dance. A chance for them to share their after high school experiences or something. I don’t know. I never understood it.

“I wasn’t planning on it.” I told her.

“Please? I bet you’ll love the dress I bought. I bet I can make it worthwhile.”

“Ugh. Ok, Abby.”

First Kiss and [F]irst Time with [M]y Bully’s Twin Sister [Long]

Abigail was my dream girl. Short with all the right curves, class valedictorian. She was short with just the right curves and a slight paunch, thick brown hair, and expressive dark green-blue eyes. She was shy and quiet. I wouldn’t have called us friends but we grew up together and worked together at our first jobs.

Her fraternal twin brother, though, bullied me all through school. He was the star athlete, teacher and admin favorite for it. I was the shy, awkward kid with curly brown hair and a bit of a belly. He made school life miserable and got away with it. I was the typical middle child, trying to make my own way in the shadow of my siblings while living with ADHD, Bipolar, and Anxiety.

It was homecoming weekend, way back in 2006. When MySpace was still a thing and texting was in its infancy. Homecoming was always a huge deal with my school, so I reluctantly went in hopes to reconnect with the few friends who went away to school while I stayed in town for Community College.

[M]y (ex)Girlfriend’s (ex)Best [F]riend Part 2

There was a distinct fallout from Cara cheating. The small friend group we had mostly turned their backs on her. Gracie and I realized we needed the dust to settle before announcing that we had hooked up. Otherwise it might seem like she set Cara up or that I was rebounding. On top of that, we had the issue of the other guy in our group having a huge, unrequited crush on her.

It was easy to hide, though, as Gracie and I were often going on bike rides together or watching The Simpsons and Futurama, plus we worked together. We didn’t have to sneak around, just use our normal activities as cover. It also helped us take a step back and talk properly before making anything official.

Charlie, the other guy in our group, quickly changed sides when we announced right before spring break we were a couple. He was already a bit of one, but transformed into a true nice guy when it happened. We still had to face Cara and both tried to stay amicable as they were roommates.

[M]y (ex)girlfriend’s best [F]riend

“Hey can we meet up? I need to talk to you.”

It wasn’t unusual for Gracie to call me. We’d become friends in our freshman dorm, and even closer since I started dating her roommate and lifelong best friend, Cara, at the beginning of junior year. In fact, I dare say that she’d become my best friend with our shared loved of reading, The Simpsons, and oldies music. We even worked at the same bookstore part time.

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Not on the phone, meet me at the swings.”

I put on a hoodie and walked to the center of camps on that usually warm February day, not knowing my life was about to change. I arrived to find her sitting on the swings holding some papers.

“I don’t know how to tell you, so read this.”

She handed me an email chain between her and Cara where Cara is asking her to go home for the weekend because her high school boyfriend is coming to visit and they need alone time. Despite Gracie’s protests, she outlines how she plans to cheat on me despite knowing I had plans for us, the excuse she plans to use, how he knew about me, and even that she kept me around for homework help and convenience. My heart sank.

[mf] More Fun at the Lake

This ended up longer than I expected, sorry. I’ll separate out the sexy stuff with *** if you want to skip ahead.

“Mom, it’s not like that. We’re just friends.”

“Ok, ok. I’ll ask him.”

“Love you, too.”

Audrey hung up the phone.

“So, my mom wants to know if you want to join us at the lake this weekend. Bless her, she really wants there to be something between us, and my sister is bringing her new boyfriend.”

“Sure, why not? I mean, if you want me to.”

“Really? We always go as a family for Labor Day. Mom says Hailey already claimed the queen bed, so we’d be in the twin beds.”

Her phone dinged.

“And now dad is saying he’ll handle her if you don’t want to or I don’t want you to. God, I love him.”

“Well, I’m down if you want me there. And I’ll sleep on the couch if you don’t want to give your mom any more ideas.”