Watching my friend get his first blowjob [MF] [Exhibition]

My friend Mark and I were in the same grade and played many sports together. In our high school years, we used to talk in graphic detail about what we wanted to do with girls, but neither of us had gotten beyond a kiss. When we got to college, I got a girlfriend during the first month, and stuff moved quickly. My girlfriend and I had regular sex during my freshman year. But Mark was still looking for the right woman, and he remained very inexperienced. So I kept my sex life to myself, because I didn’t want to rub it in.

In the summer after our freshman year, that girlfriend and I broke up. At that point Mark and I started to talk about sex again. He admitted he was really horny and wanted to get laid. So we were back to square one, talking about our desires and our non-existent sex lives.

That summer he and I shared an apartment while we worked summer jobs. There was a girl we both knew, Carla, that he had been flirting with. Carla was about 5’8” and had long, wavy black hair, big breasts, and puffy lips that often broke into a great smile. I could tell she and Mark liked each other and that things had momentum. But Mark lacked the confidence he deserved to have, and he didn’t know how to move forward.