Seven years of foreplay, [M]eans long time [F]un

This just happened yesterday and things are still in progress. As I write this, she’s still on my shoulder

Anna and I met in college (2013) thru a friend of a friend. At the time, she had light red hair, standing around 5′ 7″, weighing 140 ish, piercing blue eyes, and a sweet voice that could give you diabetes. I stood at 6’0 150 at the time

The moment we saw each other, there was clearly some sort of chemistry that we both recognized, but decided not pursue because of the giant ass friend group we were a part of. Throughout our freshmen (1st year), we would constantly be talking to each other about anything and everything. We matched in a lot of ways, but neither wanted to pursue much further

Sophomore (2nd year) and junior year (3rd year) , we kinda fell out as she was dating a new BF that was really alienating. She kicked his ass to the curb at the end of junior year and tried reconnecting with our friends but many were shunning her. Now, I personally didn’t care for the BF, but couldn’t stand that the group that I thought was tight knit, could be torn this easily. Added to the fact, her aggressive attitude to some things is a little off putting for some. This meant not many were ready to have her come back