The neighbor and her friend pt 2 [MF]

Ok so about a month goes by since that sexual interaction with my neighbors friend. I hadn’t seen or heard from her. I also didn’t bother contacting since she has a boyfriend. However, throughout the month I did see my neighbor here and there. Just friendly greetings to each other when grabbing the mail or taking out the trash.

It was the weekend and I was washing my car on my driveway. It was a pretty hot day so I was wearing a sleeveless shirt. I had worked out that morning so my arms felt tight and my biceps swoll. I hear a playful voice from behind me, “Are you washing mine next?”

I turn around and it’s my blonde neighbor. I say something stupid and we both laugh. She went back in her house but she came out 20 minutes later with a water bottle. “I thought I’d be a good neighbor and bring you some water.”

I say thank you but all I could focus on is the tiny denim shorts she is wearing showing off her nice ass. We chat for a bit and I tell her that if she ever needs anything don’t hesitate to knock on my door.

The neighbor and her friend [MF]

Ok so this started on New Year’s eve. I stayed home that night and watched the countdown. I was alone and had a few drinks leading up to the midnight celebration. I don’t know if it was the old fashioneds, but Miley Cyrus was looking sexy as fuck. I probably fucked Miley a hundred different ways in my head that night.

It’s around 12:30 am and I hear a knock on my door. I open up and 2 younger college type looking girls are in front of me holding a bottle of Tito’s.

The blonde one says “Heyyy, I’m your neighbor from across the street and we saw your light in the house was still on so we wanted to see if you would like to celebrate the new year and take a shot with us.”

I say yes and we drink and chat for a half hour. Both of them were really cute. Her friend didn’t do much talking but I noticed she was looking at me with this sexy seductive stare in her eyes.