The Perils of Alice

Chapter One: To Bondage Land

Alice is on her way home, it had been a long tiring week and was glad to be out of the office. As she passes by the park she feels an urge to just sit and relax, forgetting about the world for a few minutes. She finds a secluded bench as she decides to watch the world become dusk a little. She yawns feeling herself suddenly becoming very tired, thinking she should really be going home.

Gazing up at the sky she feels tired, she has on her normal work clothes, a grey jacket, white shirt, knee length grey skirt, some flat pumps and tights on. The same old exciting outfit, never much reason to wear much else recently. She sighs and lays back, her platinum blond hair still in its tight bun, just a few more minutes maybe.

As she starts to get up she sees something out of the corner of her eye. A white shape darts into the bushes, she rubs her eyes thinking she is just getting tired. Trying to get up again to leave, then seeing the creature is back. It looks like a rabbit, made of glossy white rubber, looking at her it almost seems to be glaring at her.

Captured Partners (Short)

She is pulled struggling into the room, her arms handcuffed behind her back. She “humpfs” under the tape over her lips. She tries to pull away from her captors who coldly keep her in place. She notices before her sits her nemesis, in a high backed leather chair. Dressed head to toe in tight black leather, like a Dominatrix. Her heart misses a beat seeing a figure kneeling next to her, a leather clad hand resting on her head.

The figure is sitting passively on her knees, dressed in a frilly dress her hands cuffed securely behind her back, her hair done up and a mask harnessed over her head covering her mouth and nose. The once strong woman is now passively sat like a trophy at the other woman’s feet, her eyes fluttering as if she is trying to keep conscious.

At a gesture from the woman in the chair the guards start to undress her. Ignoring her protests as she is quickly rendered nude, and put into lingerie. She squirms and protests as she is dressed up, her tomboyish outfit taken from her and dressed up in a cute frilly dress like her partner. Forced to her knees as she grunts under the gag, she struggles in vain as a mask is buckled over her head coving her mouth and nose over the tape.

Categorized as sexystories

The Perils of Alice [f][bd][Fantasy]

Chapter One: To Bondage Land

Alice is on her way home, it had been a long tiring week and was glad to be out of the office. As she passes by the park she feels an urge to just sit and relax, forgetting about the world for a few minutes. She finds a secluded bench as she decides to watch the world become dusk a little. She yawns feeling herself suddenly becoming very tired, thinking she should really be going home.

Gazing up at the sky she feels tired, she has on her normal work clothes, a grey jacket, white shirt, knee length grey skirt, some flat pumps and tights on. The same old exciting outfit, never much reason to wear much else recently. She sighs and lays back, her platinum blond hair still in its tight bun, just a few more minutes maybe.

As she starts to get up she sees something out of the corner of her eye. A white shape darts into the bushes, she rubs her eyes thinking she is just getting tired. Trying to get up again to leave, then seeing the creature is back. It looks like a rabbit, made of glossy white rubber, looking at her it almost seems to be glaring at her.

Super-heroine Peril part 2 [f][m][bd][fantasy][peril]

Slamming the door behind her, and leaving the bubbling commotion. Hard to imagine exactly how the trip to the cafe could have been worse, no writing done and an invasion of kinky aliens. Looking about the alley to see if it was clear, before jumping effortlessly onto the flat roof of the cafe. Now out of sight, she starts to change into her outfit, pulling boots and gloves out of the bag and setting them down. She pulls her jumper over her head, throwing it into her bag, her shirt quickly following it. her shirt joining it in her bag. Working her Lycra dress over her head, quickly removing her bra and sliding the dress down to her hips, really hoping nobody had seen her getting changed. Unzipping her skirt and letting it fall as she works her outfit over her hips, the hem billowing out to allow her legs to move in the tight material. running up from around her neck to not far below her hips, the short sleeved dress clung to her body, showing off the contours of her toned figure. It was mostly a vibrant red up to her middle, with a thin band running up her body, white panels either side of it.

Superheroine Peril Intro [F][bd][Fantasy](Feedback welcome)

She leans back in her chair grasping for her coffee mug, taking a mouthful as she glares at the blinking cursor on the blank document. Coming to a coffee shop to try and write using her laptop had been a bad idea, it was just like doing it at home, but she now had to keep her temper. Since the arrival of an alien ship in orbit around the planet, she had been even less motivated than normal. You really would think something like that would be pretty motivational, but no such luck. It had been there for quite some time now, ignoring any attempts at contacting it. Almost a week ago the “Defenders of Earth” went up to investigate, and no real word from them since. The only thing she had really seen was the same update on all of the member’s social media accounts. “Exciting new changes coming soon!”, classic at this point, they are off fraternising with aliens in space and all they can do it hype it up to the planet. Fuck them, she was going to become a famous author and then who would be laughing. She slams her mug onto the table with renewed vigour, before realising she was in public and was keenly aware of all the eyes on her. She sweeps her intensely red hair out of her eyes, the white streak just falling back into the same place as she blushes to herself at the attention.

The Genie [F][Fantasy][bd]

She scowls at the Genie, clearly she had been trying to muddle up her previous wishes, trying her best to screw her over. She thinks about her final one, studying the creature before her. She was tall and wispy, her skin a light shade of red. Her bear feet gently whisking through the air above the ground as she graciously floats in the air. Her dress wisps and flows around her body, hinting at her shapely body and skin underneath it. A mass of long black hair, seemingly with a life of its own frames her face, a sly smile on her lips. Her large black eyes below small imp horns, full of intelligence and mischievous.

The Genie purrs at her “So what is your last wish Mistress?”. She pouts at the creature knowing whatever she picks is going to be warped. “I wish that you become my permanent bondage toy”. The Genie opens her mouth in surprise but the magic is already taking hold, a leather forming over her mouth forcing it closed again. Her eyes widen in sudden panic as her ability to speak is taken from her and she realises the magic is going to fulfil the woman wish without her. She struggles as Leather straps start to criss cross over her torso, she looks down and squirms, trying to fight against them, as her arms are similarly wrapped up and tugged crossed in front of her under her beasts, buckles wrapping around her back, tightening and clinching each one to encase her in the white leather jacket. She struggles against the straps, the woman giggling as she watches in excitement.

The Desert Rogue [F] [Fantasy][bd]

Kiara slips over the wall and delicately drops onto the soft sand. She looks about quickly, her long braided black hair touching the ground as crouches cautiously. She stands up and dusts off the sand from her outfit. She moves quickly, her silken slippers leaving footprints in the sand behind her. She had on blue baggy pants and a tight Bandeau covering her breasts, a long scarf pulled over her mouth and nose.

She silently darts between buildings, slipping into the shadows as she looks around at her surroundings. It was unlikely anyone was here, but she still took her time, not wanting to miss anything after coming all this way. Her light silken clothes swishing about her as she moves, thankful for the cooling in the harsh city.

She makes her way through the mystical city, it had been quite an ordeal to find the place, but soon she will have untold riches. Suddenly through the distance of sand filled and deserted streets she sees a figure, her breath catching in her throat as she darts into a doorway. She watches trying to see what it was but nothing seems to be there anymore. She starts to make her way again, unable to shake a feeling of being watched.