Masterful Friday Night Ritual [MF] [BDSM]

 She walks in the door, eager to shed her day as fast as she does her clothes. His eyes meet hers. “Welcome home” he says as he watches her with concern. He has noticed that her days have been long and hard on her lately. He has just the plan to ease her into her weekend.

“How are you to greet me?” he asks, grinning. Her naked form drops to its knees, kissing his crotch lightly through his pants. “Like this Master” she says, slipping back into her home persona. She unties his shoes, lifting his feet out and setting the shoes carefully aside. Next his belt. After years of this action, she still feels awkward undoing the belt from the front, but manages to get it to release. Down come his pants and underwear which she also folds and lays neatly by his shoes. 

“Excellent” he says, offering a hand to lift her to her feet. His lips reach for hers, yearning for a connection deeper than a peck on the cheek. It’s time to remind her that she’s home and she’s his now. He wraps his fingers in her hair, pulling her impossibly closer, smothering her with his lips until they both must come up for air. He silently lifts his arms into the air and she eases his shirt over his head, folding it and placing it with his other clothes.

Meeting my Dom and his sub while blindfolded [FFM]

When I imagined how the first meeting with my new Dom would go, I never considered I would spend time “watching” American Ninja Warrior while blindfolded and naked, with pussy juice still drying on my face.

I should rewind just a bit. I had been single for about 6 months, after a 16 year vanilla trending to celibate relationship with my now ex-husband. I spent the first few months just getting my sexual footing back, following my own rules to say yes to anything that seemed safe. I had lots of fun experiences that will be the subject of other stories, I’m sure. 

My life before marriage had been kinky, I had been involved with BDSM since my teens. I had interviewed with Dom/mes but never found the right fit. In the mid-to-late 90s living in a fly-over state, it was hard to find the scene. But FetLife came about while I was married, and the joys of the internet helped my single self find exactly what I had been denied in previous decades.