Room 832 Part 3 (MF) (PIV) Part 2 (again, sorry for terrible formatting)

I rub my wrists delicately and sit up. You’ve walked away from the bed and I hear the tap running. You return with a glass of water and hold it out to me. When the glass has changed hands, you sit on the bed besides me and rub my wrist, kissing it gently.

“It’ll bruise, but that’s the extent of it,” I murmur, bringing the glass to my lips and closing my eyes while I drink. When I crack an eye open, you’re looking at me with a concerned expression.

“You’re sure?”

“Yes,” I finish off the glass and rub the back of my palm over my lips before shifting, so I’m leaning against you. You take the glass from me and set it on the nightstand next to the toys.

I scoot off the bed and stand on shaky legs. I walk over to the window and watch as rain continues to trail its way down the glass. Occasionally there is the crack of thunder and a flash of lightning. Perfect weather, really.

Room 832 – Part 2 [Oral] [Masturbation] [Sorta MDom] [Light Bondage-y ness] (Part 1, sorry on mobile, terrible formatting)

I turn to glance at you, but don’t question you. Your tone is low, almost a growl in my ear, and I know that if I question you or respond with the slightest bit of my usual sass, I’ll earn a couple smacks on my ass if I do. So instead, I walk towards the bed, turning to face away from you, and start to undress. I take my hair down from its clip, ruffling it lightly with my fingers to loosen the curls, and pull my shirt off. I let it drop from my fingers, it forming a puddle at my feet.

I look over my shoulder back at you and you’re leaning against the wall, arms crossed over your bare chest, boxers back on, watching me with an amused expression. “Well go on Kisunya.” You murmur, and instantly my cheeks go warm. I roll my shoulders and push my pants off of my hips, revealing black lace across my hips and ass. I bend and finish removing them and they, too, fall in a puddle at my ankles.

Room 832, Part 1 [MF] [Oral] [sorta MDom]

My heart hammers in my chest while I walk down the hall to room 832. My footsteps are muted thanks to plush carpeting and because of this, all I can hear is my breath. My weekend bag is slung over my shoulder, the brown strap cutting into my shoulder. After what feels like an eternity, I find the room and push the card key into the slot on the door. It clicks and I open the door, walking in. I set the bag on the bed, kick off my black and gold sandals and glance around.

The room is your standard hotel fare: pristine white walls with unextraordinary art. A desk with a large, framed mirror are off to the side by the window and a winged chair and ottoman are next to the bed. The bed is massive and while I’m sure it is very comfortable, there won’t be much sleep to be had…

My gaze flits back to the bag on the bed, but before I can start unpacking it, my phone vibrates.

I pull the phone out of my pocket and glance at it momentarily – “running late be there soon.”