[MF] The wife and I up in the old hotel

Years ago my wife and I were on a big driving trip which took us passing through Chattanooga. We stopped for lunch somewhere downtown, and noticed there was a cool, old hotel across the street from our restaurant.

This gave me an idea.

After we finished lunch I grabbed her hand and told her to follow me. We crossed the street, went into the hotel, and made a beeline for the elevator, as if we were guests, raising no suspicion. My wife had no idea what was up; I told her to trust me.

We took the elevator to some random floor and started walking down the hall. From all my business travel, I knew that in many old hotels, sometimes doors don’t always close all the way when people leave. In newer hotels, the doors are weighted so they will always shut fully. But older hotels? Sometimes not so much.

What I was looking for was a door just barely ajar from someone who was gone and had checked out. Halfway down the hall — bingo: a door not quite entirely shut. We slipped in and it was clear the guest had left for good and the maids hadn’t made up the room yet.

Wife [F] and I [M] fucking within earshot of my MIL …

***I have a penpal with whom I share stories of my wife’s and my sexploits (and she does the same of hers). Below is a note I sent her some time ago, about a special fuck session while my wife’s mother was visiting. I’ve always liked it – I replay the scene in my mind a lot – so I dug it out and am posting it here. (I posted it once before under a different name but subsequently deleted that account.) I have made a few edits just to account for publishing here.***

***This really has nothing to do with my MIL (sorry to the reddit pervs lured in by the headline) … we just had to be quiet. Not sure how successful we were. Here goes:***

So … the other night. It was really an incredible experience … and I am not sure why. No one part of it stands out as being epic or anything like that. In many ways it was a lot like countless other times we have fucked or made love. But somehow the connection the other night was … charged in a way it hadn’t been in a while.