It Was All A Dream (M/F) (Short Story)

Long time lurker, first time poster. Quarantine has got me bored…..

It was just one of those nights.

I couldn’t sleep at all. I couldn’t get comfortable, tossing and turning. Got up twice to pee. It was hell.
Somewhere around 3:37am (I had been staring at the clock, hoping the blinking : would lull me to sleep) I caught a glimpse of the flashing notification light on my phone.


“Her color” I think to myself.

(yes, you have your own notification icon color :-))

I reach over, and fumble with the unlock screen with my left hand. Took two tries to get past the password and into the text app.

“you awake?” it reads

“yup” I reply. “can’t sleep”

“me either”

I sigh, and for a minute, I think of how amazing it would be to be curled up in the bed with you right now. I decide to take a chance.

“want to come over?” I send, with a smiley face.

“thought you would never ask” you reply, with three red hearts.