How I [M] banged my high school valedictorian [F]

Recalling the following events in my life has made me truly appreciate the phrase “getting lucky.” Every time I think about it, I realize how lucky I am to have such a hot memory of this amazing girl.

I grew up in Colorado and went to a pretty big high school, with several hundred students in my class. The valedictorian, who gives the last speech at graduation, is determined by final (highest) GPA. During my senior year, we found out about a month before graduation that our valedictorian would be a girl named Valerie. I had never heard of her, but I found out she was a quiet Asian girl in my grade. Apparently most people weren’t surprised, as the people who knew her said she was brilliant.

Fast forward to graduation day:

I was sitting with my classmates (alphabetically seated) in the audience, waiting for my name to be called to walk across the stage. I was surprised to find that I actually had never seen or met a handful of the kids who were graduating with me. This was surprising, as I considered myself social (played varsity basketball and went to parties) and thought I had spoken to everyone at least once. Clearly I had thought wrong.