[M] I Had A One Night Stand With A True Orgasm Champion [F]

I’ve almost never had a one night stand because I’m usually not super outgoing and don’t generally enjoy the whole bar scene, but right when I moved to a new city, just a little after graduating from college, after I hadn’t had sex in about a year, I felt like I wanted to buckle down and make something happen for myself. Try something new. Be someone new. I was playing soccer in an intramural league back then, and after the games that Friday afternoon, a bunch of players headed out to the same bar to blow off steam and talk about their weekend plans. Being so new to the city, I was looking at another pretty low-key weekend.

Just as I sat down to drink my first beer with a few of my teammates, I noticed a lovely woman across the bar sitting with a few of her own teammates. She had long blonde hair, a cute smile, and pale blue eyes that were looking right at me. Normally that would be my cue to look away shyly, do nothing, and then jerk off later that night, imagining what could have been. But this time I held her gaze and smiled back.

[F]ollowed Pandemic Guidelines, Fucked Her In The Forest With [M]asks On

Back in 2018, soon after I turned thirty-two, my long-term girlfriend and I broke up, and I moved out West to pursue my long-postponed creative dream of being an actor. Isn’t that a little late for those kinds of dreams? Haha, maybe. But for as long as I could remember, I’d always focused on my partner’s dreams: it was always all about what they wanted, and I never seemed to be able to give myself enough attention. So this time I made a concerted effort to stay single and focus on myself and my own needs and dreams.

Unfortunately, that meant that I wasn’t getting laid. Like, at all. I’d never been the hook-up kind of guy, or even much of a casual dater. I guess part of my problem was that I’d always had a lot of anxiety, so if I was going to be sleeping with someone, I really needed to know that I could trust them. So, over the course of two years I made out with two women. Just kissing. Only twice. In two years. That. Was. It.