Cheating on [M]y Wi[f]e with a new girl

I’ve cheated on my wife 4 separate times with 2 different women. If you go back and read my other story ([part 1]( & [part 2]( you’ll read about my old friend T who fucked me 2 different times. Now I’m going to tell you about the most recent affair with a girl I’ll refer to as “M.”

M worked in the same workplace as T and I but whereas T was in a different department and on a different floor, M was on my team. I was a supervisor of a few teams at this point and she was a regular full time employee.

[M]y [F]irst time cheating

I’ve been married for awhile and I’ve cheated on my wife 4 times with 2 women. Also, I posted this probably a year or more ago on an old alt that’s been deleted but I felt like reposting as I’ve been dreaming about some of this lately.

Anyway, this is the story of the first time it ever happened. I worked a job an hour away from my home and had some friends and acquaintances that lived in that area. One of my acquaintances was also my weed ‘dealer’ (more like he just bought it from someone else and picked up some for me which I then repaid him for. A glorified middle man). Whenever I had to reup I would go hang out at his apartment after work and pick it up. Usually he would be chilling there with his girlfriend whom I will call “T.” This girl was someone I knew from years prior and in college we would get high as fuck and just hang out. We always flirted but nothing ever happened at the time but there was always this unspoken tension.