Story time part 1 [Point of view, pissing, breeding]

You’re watching a movie next to him. There is tension in the air. You both know what you want to do. He rearranges his body in a way that allows him to scoot closer to you.

“Hey, I’m kind of cold, could I use some of the blanket?”

You give him a corner that he pulls on to his legs, and he scoots even closer. Your thighs are touching his.
You go back to not talking. The only light flooding the room is the TV. You try to focus on the movie but can’t because you’re throbbing somewhere else.

His thigh feels warm, you’re thinking about whether or not he’s throbbing too.
He moves again, this time his hand. It lands on your leg, you see him look at you through the corner of his eye but you stay facing straight.
You let out a small gasp and hope he didn’t hear it. Or maybe hoped that he did?

You know he did as he ran his hand along your thigh and stopped briefly to grab it.

You gasp again as he does this and in reaction spread your legs a little. As soon as you notice your quick to close them.