Using Eva. Sloppy, filthy Eva. [MF]

Fucking Eva. It was never straightforward with Eva. She called me up asking for some coke. I didn’t have any, but I told her otherwise and spent a frantic couple of hours getting sorted. I sensed opportunity.

I insisted on delivering it. Not a problem I said. What’s a half hour walk when there’s a glimmer of a possibility of getting my dick wet? Who cares about rain? It took forty five fucking minutes. I was soaked. Some musclebound motherfucker opened the door.

Fuck my life.

For a motherfucker he was polite. Let’s call him Chuck. Chuck invited me in and gave me a beer and introduced me to Norris, a skinny motherfucker who was playing Halo. The stench of weed was comforting. I fell into the couch and got handed a spliff and felt right at home. Eva appeared, a short skirt and a long sleeve top, grungy looking, her hair different yet again. Hot as fuck. Pornstar hot.

Laura and the quick thank you fuck. [MF]

Laura. I’d asked her out twice over the year or so I’d known her and I’d been politely rejected both times. She was out of my league, the kind of girl who could literally have anyone she wanted. Five foot fiveish, long brown hair, lithe. Big brown eyes and an Irish accent and an ass that everyone in any room stared at as she walked away.

One weekend I’m leaving the bar debating what to eat and what I’m going to jerk off to at home when I saw her, some drunken older guy with his hand on her arm, her expression one of worry.

Being the nice guy I was trying to be I walked over and hugged her, all like “there you are Laura, I’ve been looking everywhere for you”. The creep looked confused for a moment, said something sweary, looked her over one last time and stumbled away. Good deed accomplished, time for spring rolls and a wank.

“How can I ever repay you” she asked with a smile.

Sodomy. That’s what I wanted to say. I didn’t. “Easy. Go out with me sometime.” Was what I did say. She shook her head.

Sloppy Eva. “It’s just cum”. [MF]

Eva. I’d always had a crush on her. We dated briefly but she didn’t want a relationship. We’d make out and grope and fondle but I never got her out of her clothes despite my best efforts. The best I’d managed was a handjob that might’ve turned into a blowjob had I not finished all over her fingers. I did get her nipples out once. They were glorious. But then she moved on, exploring, taking advantage of the fact that she was young and pretty and could have anyone she wanted. We stayed friends, which fucking sucked because I wanted to do depraved things to her, the things I imagined other guys did to her.

Eva. Pretty little Eva. She was five foot and change. Her hair was short, a new cut, a bit punky but not quite emo. She had a tongue stud and the cutest nose. Big green eyes. Perfectly petite and proportioned, with impossibly perky b cups and a pert, round ass.

Pretty, posh, dirty, crazy Haley. [MF]

Haley. Haley was everybody’s type. Blonde and curvy, tall enough to not be short but not tall either. The prettiest upturned nose and insane blue eyes and lips that made men tingle. Promising cleaving that was typically accentuated with teasing necklines, full hips and an ass that made everyone stare. And best of all, a bona fide posh accent, the cherry on the icing of the cake that was Haley.

Only circumstance would allow someone like me to ever dream of being with someone like her. Lovely circumstance. I was lingering outside the bar, just across the road, far enough away from the bouncer that he couldn’t smell my spliff. Close enough that he could see it. Close enough that I saw her walk out. Close enough that she saw me. As she walked over I had to remind myself not to stare at her cleavage, her teasingly unbuttoned blouse that offered a glimpse of lace and smooth, milky white flesh.
I offered her the joint and she hesitantly accepted it with a caveat of “ I really shouldn’t, but…”. I watched her lips pucker and her cheeks concave as she took a solitary puff. I imagined things that guys imagine and felt a tingle and a pang of creepy shame.

Lovely, slutty Dana. [MF]

Dana. Lovely Dana. I’d had a crush in her forever. It wasn’t just her looks, her olive skin and big brown eyes and black, black hair. Petite. Little perky tits and a pert little ass. It was her reputation that made me crave her. To her friends she was the one that got around. The one that had flings with married businessmen more than twice her age. Everyone who knew her knew someone who’d fucked her, or had fucked her themselves.

Just thinking about her made me hard. It still does. One of those girls whose name you’d always associate with a semi. The kind of name you’d never give your daughter. Like [Grace.] (

I’d been friend zoned, on account of my being in a relationship with one of her friends – a long distance thing. We’d chat and flirt a bit and then anybody else would swoop in and have their go and I’d be left to my filthy, filthy imagination.


Slutty Dana who never acted slutty which made it somehow sluttier. She never showed much skin. Never really wore tight things. The first time I saw her in a bikini I almost came in my pants.

“Fuck you guys. Two cocks and I have to finish myself off…” [MFM]

It started how it always started. It was late. I was stoned. You get the picture. I remember it was a Thursday night. Why I remember that I don’t recall. The doorbell rang. I likely did a little jig as I buzzed her in. I ran to the bathroom, perfumed my various damp bits, chugged some mouthwash – I was high enough that it felt like the fucking Olympics. I’m pretty sure there was a dramatic soundtrack in my mind. More likely it was the TV. Whatever.

So I opened the door and there she was. With some random fucking guy. “What the fuck?” is what I wanted to say but instead I invited them in. His name was Tom or Jerry or something. He was in one if her classes and they d been drinking with friends. “Is it cool if he hangs around while he waits for his ride?” Grace asked. His ride. Not theirs. She was staying, so my rage faded to mild annoyance.

“It’s late. If we’re gonna fuck I suppose we should do it now.” [MF]

First story [here](
Second story [here](

A few days later.

It was late. I was walking home in the cold with a bag a goodies from my dealer after a shitty week. Naturally, I’d stopped off for a couple on my way there, a couple on my way back and a couple for good luck. I was tipsy. It was an achievement, considering he only lived a ten minute walk away.

The plan was simple. Order Chinese, get stoned as fuck and do my very best not to tug one out. Conscious conservation. I’d been saving myself, just in case. As I approached my building I saw her, standing in the stoop, waiting. A broad, involuntary smile spread across my face.

The usual story. It was late, she’d missed her bus, her phone was dead. She was shivering. I was her savior, yet again. I swear I was practically hard with anticipation as we climbed the stairs. I had expectations, whether I wanted them or not. Once inside I told her to make herself at home and excused myself. Fucking beer. I had to sit down to piss because of my anticipatory semi.
I found her in the living room, her coat draped over a chair, dressed, for want of a better analogy, like a hooker. A tight top through which her nipples poked, a short skirt that hugged her hips and best of all, knee length fuck-me boots. I’m pretty sure I did that thing that Homer Simpson does when he sees pork chops. James fucking Bond.

“I’m tired… Are we going to fuck or should I sort myself out?” [MF]

[first story here](

It’d been about a week. The first couple of days I’d masturbated so much to the memories while they were fresh in my mind that my cock was sore. I didn’t have her number, but I knew I could get it. Everytime I thought about doing so I found an excuse not to. Beer. Weed. Sleep. Pizza. Nerves. Inadequacy. The next couple of days I was in my own private existential hell, worried doing something would be worse than not doing anything, but convinced any decision I made would be the wrong one. I sulked. By the fifth day I’d accepted it was a one night thing. Nothing more. A memory that faded slightly with every puff. I got over myself and dragged myself out and taught the world how to drink.
I was hungover. The kind of hangover that lingers all day.

It was around midnight when the doorbell rang. I literally had my cock in my hand and some olden time internet porn on the computer screen. Back in the days where anything more than isdn was spaceman shit. When porn had music.

Or we could just, y’know… Fuck…[MF]

I’d recently graduated. She was in her last year of college. A friend of a friend. Someone I always wanted but never expected to get with. Never really tried. Circumstance got her to my place- It was raining, I lived nearby and her bus stop was unsheltered. I suggested she come over and wait it out. I didn’t really expect her to take me up on the offer. But she did.

She had long dark hair tied up in a pony tail. Pale skin, green eyes and full lips that looked like they were capable of incredible things. I honestly didn’t think I had a chance. I rolled a joint, poured drinks and did my best to be… normal. Lechery dialed down as low as I could get it.

And then, things changed. “It’s late” she said. I nodded. “Can I crash here?”. I nodded, a bit too eagerly. She smiled. Possibilities filled my head. My heart rate increased.

She stood up and disappeared to the bathroom. I steadied myself, toned down my expectations that had suddenly inflated dramatically. The sliver of hope that I clung too made my cock tingle. I poured another drink and downed it. And then I waited while attempting to make it look like I wasn’t waiting.