Sharing Allie again – Football and a filthy fuck. [MFM]

[Part 1](
if you care. It’s optional.

Derek invited me back over with an odd message.

“Hey. Game Sunday 6pm. Got weed and beer. If you’re coming bring an STI check and rolling papers.”

I didn’t know whether to be worried or excited, but I got an all clear and a piece of paper that had enormous potential. And rolling papers. Sunday couldn’t come soon enough.

Allie answered the door.

“The game’s about to start. There’s beer in the fridge.”

Curt, but polite. Wearing yoga pants and a sports bra, her dark hair tied up tight, not a smidge of makeup on her face. Pretty and petite and perfect. She closed the door after me and disappeared upstairs. It wasn’t a promising start.

I grabbed two beers from the fridge and found Derek on the couch.


I gave him the rolling papers and my all-clear. He glanced at it, placed it on the table and proceeded to roll a joint.

A fumble and a fuck. “Are you sure you’ve done this before?” [MF]

I was young. Eighteen. A couple months away from my first year of university. Enjoying the final summer with friends, drinking way too much of anything, anywhere we possibly could.

This particular night we were at Ed’s place. His parents were away for the weekend so we got drunk with friends, and some friends of friends. Not quite a party, but close enough.

Sambuca. I fucking hate hated sambuca. I still hate it. I had one shot too many and did that half stumble to the bathroom, pretending I had to pee but actually desperate to throw up. The great escape.

The bathroom was occupied. The other bathrooms were in the bedrooms, which were also occupied. I gagged and waited, swallowing the inevitable, hovering outside the door.

The door opened, and out cane Holly. “Hey cutie” she said, brushing a hand over my shoulder as I smiled and nodded and scampered into the bathroom, locking the door before promptly emptying my guts in the toilet. Feeling better with every lurch.

Thank fuck they had mouthwash.

Watching Dana Fuck. [MF]

I was back at the bar, drinking alone, assessing alternative options of which there were few. Hoping to see Dana again. Hoping lightning might strike twice. Debating between approaching a middle aged blonde sure thing that looked somewhat like a bitchy teacher I once hated, or a pretty college thing that couldn’t have been a day over nineteen and had the full attention of every guy in the bar.

And then Dana appeared, looking as fuckable as always in a little black dress that straddled the line between casual and trashy, emphasizing her petite frame, accentuating her hips and doing miracles to her small breasts. Just enough makeup. Hair tied back. Lipstick and a pout. A bit of a sparkle on her olive skin.

She wasn’t alone.

‘This is Jack. He’s got some coke and a room in the hotel upstairs, don’t you jack?’

Jack nodded. Jack was about ten years older than her, than us. Jack looked like a well-to-do date rapist, well built, a ring on his finger and a cunty smirk on his chiselled face. I fucking hated Jack.

Sharing Allie – Soccer & sloppy seconds [MFM]

It was halftime. Chelsea were winning. Derek was a Chelsea fan, and I was using football as an excuse to get drunk. And stoned. Derek was a rich kid with an awesome house and neverending weed. A bit of an arrogant prick, but useful and not quite a complete tool.

Allie was Derek’s ‘girl’. It was a fuck buddy type thing that I was visibly jealous of. Everyone knew she was using him for the house and the weed and his money, and everyone knew he was using her. Sometimes they acted like a couple, sometimes like strangers. Neither of them ever even pretended to be exclusive.

Allie was, for want of a better term, hot. Cheerleader hot. Pornstar hot. Five foot sixish, svelte, curvy and firm. Auburn hair and green eyes and the ability to look eminently fuckable in sweatpants and a t-shirt. Masturbatory material, off limits and out of my league.

Allie hated football. She complained about it being “booooring”, visibly agitating Derek who followed it like religion. We were all sat on the massive couch, Allie in the middle, Derek on the right and me on the left. It was still big enough for at least three more. We’d had a few beers and the neverending weed never ended.

Cassandra, my best friend’s wife – cooking, conversation and a mouthful of cum. [MF]

It’d been almost two weeks since I found out my best friend’s wife was an escort, since our [quick, dirty, sticky secret.](

Tupperware. I’d been sent to return some of Cassandra’s Tupperware that Heather had borrowed, a menial task, an innocent mission that I dutifully accepted because it gave me an opportunity to get stoned with Frank. Yeah, I’d probably get to see Cassandra, but all I was expecting was an ogle or two, some fresh footage in the spank bank.

When I was walking into the building Frank was on his way out. He apologized, said it was a work thing that just came up. He saw the Tupperware and told me that Cass was in the apartment and suggested I hang out till he got back.

The mere thought of being alone with her made me nervous. She opened the door and ushered me in, asking if I caught Frank on his way out, retreating to the kitchen where something smelt incredible.

I followed, admiring her commitment to style – even at home she looked like something out of a magazine, a chirpy sundress, an apron with a monogram and her hair up in a bun, like a sexy fifties housewife. Think Mrs Maisel.

A sticky quickie with Cassandra AKA The time I found out my best friend’s wife was an escort. [MF]

Cassandra. Cassie. One of the hottest people I’d ever met in real life, the fuel of a thousand wanks and many more still to come. Statuesque, curves that mesmerized and a confidence that flaunted it constantly. Short, dark, straight hair that made her look like something out of the fifties, always dressed to kill and tonight was no exception. A tight blouse and a tight skirt and boots that screamed “fuck me”. A hat that made her look like a hipster. Makeup that made her look like a movie star.

She was married to one of my best friends, who we’ll call Frank. I went to their wedding. I’d been to their place a couple days back, where she strutted about the pool in a bikini that had me jerking one out in their bathroom. She was close with my better half.

Using Sloppy Eva. Taking turns. [MF]

Fucking [Eva]( It was never straightforward with Eva. She called me up asking for some coke. I didn’t have any, but I told her otherwise and spent a frantic couple of hours getting sorted. I sensed opportunity.

I insisted on delivering it. Not a problem I said. What’s a half hour walk when there’s a glimmer of a possibility of getting my dick wet? Who cares about rain? It took forty five fucking minutes. I was soaked. The musclebound motherfucker that was her boyfriend opened the door.

Fuck my life.

For a motherfucker he was polite. Let’s call him Chuck. Chuck invited me in and gave me a beer and introduced me to Norris, a skinny motherfucker who was playing Halo. The stench of weed was comforting. I fell into the couch and got handed a spliff and felt right at home. Eva appeared, a short skirt and a long sleeve top, grungy looking, her hair different yet again. Hot as fuck. Pornstar hot.

We chatted. I gave her the coke. We all did some lines. And smoked some weed. And drank some beer. It was a fun evening, but it’d all but dismissed my chances. This was groundwork. She’d be getting pounded by Chuck as soon as I left. I was dying a bit inside. The drugs helped.

The bridesmaid who shagged me. [MF]

Her name was Sondra, like Sandra, but with an o, I think. I never asked.

It was a wedding, or rather, the aftermath. We were all the same hotel- me, most of my friends, their significant others, and mine too. The place was a country estate, a few separate buildings with a dozen or so rooms in each, some lovely nature and fuck all else.

It was full, overfull, and as such we’d had to move from room to room, building to building, over the three nights we were there. That inconvenience led to my superior geographic knowledge of the place.

That knowledge is what led my tipsy girlfriend to suggest I help Sondra find her room while she went to our room to change. Not an issue, just tour guide duty. Easy. I was drunk, because it was a wedding, but still… easy.

So Sondra, friend of the bride, a bit of a socialite, clearly spoilt, pretty bit not stunning. Five seven, dark hair and a button nose, tanned like she went on holiday every week. Lovely eyes. Not much cleavage, perky ass. I barely knew her, but just like all the other bridesmaids, I had noticed her. By noticed, I mean I’d undressed her with my eyes.

Lovely, slutty Dana, again. “Whatever you want…” [MF]

It was just another night at the bar, crowded, smoky and somewhat pointless. I was trying to order a drink when she appeared next to me. I barely noticed her until the bastard bartender served her first. I turned to look, to complain, to make a witty comment about how tits get you served, and then I realised it was [Dana.](

Her hair was shorter, shoulder length. Her look was different – more makeup, a tighter dress, cleavage that I knew was a lie. But it was Dana, still lovely and petite and olive skinned, still pretty, still eminently fuckable. Think Alison Brie, because it saves me some words.

There were a brief couple of seconds between her noticing me and recognizing me, a couple of seconds that made me certain she was out on the pull, scoping eyes, casual smile, assessing whether I was a predator or prey.

We got to talking, if that’s what you call half shouting half questions at each other in a loud bar, nodding and pretending to understand, laughing when for all I know she’s talking about her aunt’s funeral or some shit.

Heather… Anal training the ex. [MF]

She’d broken up with me about a year ago. It fucking killed me, but we’d stayed friends, which was difficult because seeing her with other guys make me fucking nauseous. And she was always with another guy.

It was late afternoon when my doorbell rang. I was confused, to say the least. I asked if everything was okay and she nodded. I invited her in, offered her a cup of tea and she asked for a gin and tonic. She rarely drank in the afternoon, so something was up.

I sat down with a gin and tonic of my very own and proceeded to roll a joint as I looked her over and tried not to think about the fact that she was no longer mine. I’m pretty sure I was in love with her.

“To what do I owe this pleasure?” I asked

“It’s a bit awkward…” she replied.

A long pause. I waited and wondered and truly believed she was about to tell me I needed to get myself tested, the curse of a desperately curious mind. Fuck.