The Security Guard (part 1)

I’d had a great rapport with the security guard at work for a couple of years. I called her my ‘work wife’ for quite a while and often spent my breaks talking or walking the halls with her since our breaks had lined up quite nicely. We had gotten to be pretty good friends and a lot of our conversations would have bordered on more than flirtatious to the casual observer. I think we had shared more in common in our home lives with not being 100% satisfied physically, and the friendship we had built at work just sparked something that we weren’t expecting, but neither of us argued with.

Most of our walks were harmless, day-to-day talk, but occasionally turned into flirtatious innuendo. Neither of us had sex as often as we’d liked, and we’d gotten comfortable enough talking about it. She had that full figure that I just could NOT get out of my head, no matter how much I tried. Her long, wavy hair was always pulled back, but I couldn’t help but picture it down and surrounding me. I kept making jokes that I had a ‘hiding spot’ that was out of camera range to go to every time we got flirtatious and she would jokingly say that she would find it eventually.

A Sub for Dinner, Part 3

“You. Have. GOT. To be kidding me!” She said through a laugh as her suitcase hit the floor.

“Nope,” I teased, putting my arm around her waist and pulling her up beside me. “I TOLD you I got an extra sturdy 4 poster bed that we’d have to put through its paces. You know, to make sure it’s good and sturdy.”

“That is NOT what I’m talking about and you KNOW it,” she laughed as she poked me in the side. “I’m talking about THAT,” she pointed. “THAT right there! WHO is THAT for??”

I turned her to face me, putting both hands on her hips before wrapping them around and pulling her up against me. “THAT, my dear, is for YOU.” I kissed her long and deep, then she pulled her head back, turning to look at the swing, and laughed, eyes wide with wonder as she bit her bottom lip. Fuck, I loved it when she did that. I wonder if she knew just how much that little action drove me crazy.

“How do I even get in that thing? I’ve never used one before!” She said.

A Sub for Dinner, part 2 (MF)

“Please?” She begged. “I NEED IT!”

I loved it when she begged. We’d started this submissive routine together as an experiment and had both grown quite fond of it. I wasn’t sure at first, but she knows that all it takes is a pouty look and one word to get me going.

“No. Not yet,” I said sternly as I tightened the leather strap that bound her wrists together. “I need to make sure you’ve been good first,” attaching the strap to the wooden headboard.

Their first chance encounter was intense and had sparked something between them that they wanted…no, NEEDED to explore with each other. They may live a few hours apart, but that just makes the anticipation of the weekend visits that much better.

“I’ve been REALLY good,” she moaned as my hand felt its way down her naked body. She arched her back as I rubbed between her breasts, pulling on the leather that bound her to the headboard.

“You’ve been good? I don’t think that’s 100% true,” I said, working my hand down between her legs. “I think those pictures you’ve been sending me through the week say otherwise.”

A Sub for Dinner (MF)

“Wait, you mean to tell me you were crushing on me all through high school and NEVER said anything??” She was smiling and I couldn’t tell if it was devilish or not, but I still loved it. Brunette, curvy in ALL the right places, and just plain sexy. She’s looked that good for as long as I can remember.

“Well,” I laughed, “we kinda ran in completely different circles back then. I was more the quiet, nerdy type and you were with all the ‘cool kids’ if I remember correct. Still, I’m glad we ran into each other. Catching up has been fun!”

We just happened to be visiting our home town on the same weekend and bumped into each other. Small towns are good for that. I opted to grab a hotel in the next town over instead of sleeping on the uncomfortable couch of a relative. You were staying at your folks place, but they were gone for the weekend anyway, so it worked out. After the initial awkward greetings were out of the way we decided to meet up later for dinner at your folks’ place so we could catch up properly.

Strangers on a Plane [MF]

We were on the same flight. Twelve hours stuck in a cylinder with wings, most of that time being overnight, and virtually NOTHING to do. No in-flight movie, no magazines, and I forgot my phone charger. As far as entertainment goes, I was on borrowed time. The plane hadn’t even left the terminal yet and I was already terminally bored.

Then, YOU came in and sat next to me. Well, I took a window seat and you took the aisle, leaving the middle space between us, but airplane seats are small, so it’s essentially right next to me. I wanted to ask why you sat next to me since there were only about a dozen people on this flight, but there’s no way to do that without sounding like an asshole, so I kept that little mystery to myself. Not that I’m complaining, mind you. The possibility of having someone to talk to for even a little while helped keep the boredom at bay. Plus, if I’m being honest, you’re pretty damn easy on the eyes. I was dressed casually. You know, jeans and a t-shirt. You, on the other hand, are about the polar opposite. I can tell you’re a good decade younger than I am. I’m in my early 30s. You were wearing an expensive-looking white blouse and black, mid-length skirt. I’m just going to assume that you came to the flight right after work or something. Heels are a bold choice for an airport, much less a 12-hour flight. I wouldn’t call you “curvy,” but the curves you have are in ALL the right places. No, “curvy” is too broad of a term, and you’re anything but the type to fit into a single category with a generic statement as the title.

Muscular Worship [FM]

I have this thought every time I’m riding someone like him: “You’re such a short, skinny little man. HOW do you handle daily life that way?” Not that it really matters. I’m not his personal trainer or life coach or anything like that. I saw him walk into the gym looking as uncomfortable and out of place as he could. Just my type.

Not the type that I want to have a relationship with, but I have to admit that fucking guys like this is usually pretty fun. I think it’s that little spark of awe in their eyes when I just walk up to introduce myself and “welcome” them to the gym.

“Hey there! You look a little lost. First time?” I could see that it was, but I don’t want to make it obvious.

“Hi. Um, yeah, it is. You can probably tell I’m not much of a “gym rat,” but I want to start working out and exercising more.”

Perfect. I’m more than happy to “show him the ropes.”

“I’m Lisa, by the way. You’ll see me here a lot, even though I don’t work here. ”

My Best Friend’s Sister [MF]

“Hey, Marlon! Right on time! They’re just about to kick off.”

“Thanks, Leon,” I said as we gave our usual half-handshake, half-hug for a greeting.

We made our way to the living room where he proudly displayed his new 75″ Ultra High Definition TV. You’d swear that thing was his baby, the way he doted over it, but I had to admit, the picture was excellent.

It was a typical Sunday afternoon. Leon and I drank, had snacks, and watched football all day. As far as traditions go, I couldn’t complain. Now and then, his sister would join us. Laura is 2 years older than we are and if Leon has ever seen me staring he never let on about it. I have had a thing for Laura since the 5th grade, and she has only gotten better looking as she filled out and came into her own.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, and curves everywhere it counts, MAYBE 5’2″ on a tall day. She’s pretty much everything I’ve fantasized about since I hit puberty.

She Makes Me Watch (FMM, Cucking, Humiliation, Degradation)

“Jesus… Mackenzie, do I REALLY need to be here for this?” I tried my hardest to sound forceful and confident. She could see right through it. She knows me better than that.

“Yes. LAWSON,” she glared as she put the extra emphasis on my name. She knows her tone can make me feel like I’m a total loser. “You DO need to see this. You need to know how it’s done the RIGHT way. I need fucked, and you just can’t get it done with what you’re working with.” She sneered down at my dick while she said it.

It’s not like I’m a small guy, either. 6’1″, 225, and fairly athletic. I guess I’m above average in the dick department, but it’s not like I’ve gone around comparing it with anyone. I guess that’s not good enough for her.

She was so sweet when we first got together. At least she ACTED that way. About 5’3, 115lbs, long, wavy black hair and super cute glasses. She looks like the picture of innocence. She was a little freaky in the bedroom, but lately, she’s just been so damn MEAN to me. When we’re in public she acts so sweet and lovey-dovey, but the instant we’re out of sight she practically rips her hand out of mind and glares at me. I tried figuring out what I did wrong, but I just don’t know.

The Pizza Dare, part 2 [FFM]

I showed up to Jenna’s apartment, ready for our “girl’s night in,” a bottle of Moscato wine in each hand. I wore as little as I could get away with in public; bikini bottoms that showed my toned, round ass, and a very loose tank top that I had made out of a shirt that I cut it out of. The shirt was a good two sizes too big. No bra, no bikini top. My tits are on the smaller side, but perky and perfectly shaped. When the breeze came along just right, any onlookers would have a perfect view of them. I made it a point to walk by as many groups as I could, reveling in the “holy shits” and “fuck me, look at HERs” as I pretended not to hear them. I was getting ramped up for a GREAT night.

The Pizza Dare [FFM]

“Becca,” Jenna looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “Earth to Becca,” she wrapped her gands around her mouth to make a mock megaphone. I was… distracted. By her. I was distracted by her.

“Oh, sorry. I just spaced out for a minute there,” I said, trying to play it off. “What did you ask again?” She cast a glance my way that made me wonder if she knew what I was “spacing out” over. “Do you want to order pizza?” She asked for probably the third or fourth time.

A few friends and I that really hadn’t seen much of each other since graduating high school 2 years ago had a little pool party. Just a smaller gathering to get caught up with each other and hang out to beat the heat. We all filled out pretty well since high school, but Jenna… oh my GOD did she fill out. She had put on a little weight in ALL the right places and had curves for DAYS! Add in the fact that she had on a skimpy yellow bikini top that barely held in her tits and a bottom that was just a size too small that showed off her plump ass in all of its glory and perfectly traced the outline of her pussy… I get wet every time I think about it.