It was a day like any other. "Honey, I've read the newspaper, this is untolerable, these poor people have to wait for hours before they can take the train to Germany!" My wife exclaimed as she read the newspaper. "I agree honey, it is terrible! The far-right racists in our country don't even want to bring them food and water" I responded.
I was happy to see that she finally understood my point of view. I have always worked hard to ensure that everyone is treated equally, but until now, my wife had never really showed much of an interest. I moderate a number of progressive subreddits on Reddit, where I make sure to ban anyone who seems to have fascist leanings, fascist being the term I like to use for anyone I disagree with.
I began to talk to my wife about all the important work I do on the subject of racial equality, how I doxx racists online, how I donate to the Southern Poverty Law Center, how I tell my coworkers to stop making racist jokes. She seemed to pay attention, but then interjected with "Hey you know what we should do, we should find a refugee and give him shelter!"