You’re not going to tell your parents about our little arrangement are you? (Mf)

The sun beats down through the window onto the kitchen table as I try to focus on revision. It is a sweltering day. Probably 105 fahrenheit, maybe more. Impossible weather for focusing…on anything.

My parents are out for the day, down at the country club, dad is probably playing golf again, battling it out with Pete Tannerman, an age-old rivalry over contracts for the city. Mum, probably chatting with Fran Parker, the head hen, the boss of the little clique of super high net worth women she always wanted to penetrate but couldn’t quite make it in. It all made me a bit ill, the shallowness of it all. I didn’t want any part of that world.

I try to dive back into the books and scanning through the passages of academic text but my mind wanders every few seconds consumed by thoughts of what else I could be doing on such a blistering day.

3.50pm. I can’t concentrate at all, my heart isn’t in it. There has to be something else to do.

He ties his assassin up for pleasurable purposes [Mf]

The thin crimson filter of the late evening flowed through the window as I unwrapped my ankle holster, three knives in total and handed over my gun to his goons. I’m ordered to strip down to my lingerie and blindfolded. 

My mission had been simple enough, fly into the Bahamas and take down the notorious drug baron, Sandor Machek. I’d seen pictures and footage of him on the debrief, he was a very young 40 year old man, chiselled jawline and an athletic build, notoriously ruthless, he’d killed his own father to attain power in the region. I admit I’d always had a thing for dangerous men, even the most extreme ones. 

What had seemed so simple quickly got complicated as I slipped up within a few days of arriving in the country.

Sandor got to me first, intercepting me in my hotel room after his men suspected me in the lobby. The following 24 hours had been a blur as I was snook back to his compound and kept in a tight concrete cell. But, inevitably the time came for questioning and answers, little did I know I was going to face a few more disturbing questions about what I really wanted from the trip.

He likes to tease me in the bathtub (Mf)

I stand up in the bath, rinsing the warm water all over my thirsty body. Suds of soap drip into the tub as the late evening sun pounds through the window. I’d just got back from his office, squeezing in a quick workout as he finished the Tate Case. The bath was to try and get all the sweat and aches out of me but I am feeling a little more adventurous than just the usual wash, a little more risque than the usual shower head over my breasts. 

Through the steam I hear the handle on the door creaking, the slow turning motion drawing my ears to the sound as I hear his loafers on the floor. The door closes and he clears his throat. 

“I liked what you did with the papers today, I’ve never seen them neater on my desk.”

My body shivers a little with his deep baritone voice as he steps closer to me, I know he’s fully clothed, I won’t be able to touch him properly until he has my hands flailing over the edge of the bath tub, my nails digging into the ceramic with several orgasms flushed out of me. He made the rules, I followed them. That’s the way it is. 

The sexy stranger at the gym gives me a vigorous post-workout in the sauna (Mf)

“I’ve just got two more sets. Hitting triceps and then that’s me I think, I’m pooped already. Going to hit the pool after for a quick dip.” The gym stirs at every corner with activity as the post-lockdown frustrations are vented. Conversation is buzzing and everyone is aggressively hitting the weights after weeks of calisthenics and boredom. I check my arms out in the mirror, trying to ignore some of the creepy looks from the meatheads nearby. The light shining off my dark bronzed skin and creating a nice angle for admiring my tired muscles. My friend Rachel is working out alongside me, her hair neatly done up in a bun and her face straining red as she tries to finish her dumbbell curls with a huge last effort. The weights come flying out of her hands onto the floor as she stands up and catches her breath. It had been a long session, almost an hour. Lots of reps. 

She looks at her watch and furrows her brow.

“Damn, lost track of time, I need to get going. Travis is cooking something.”

I roll my eyes, boring boyfriend Travis striking again. I couldn’t see what she saw in him. It was like dating a damp old sponge.  

I train an innocent girl on all fours in the Tokyo skyline (Mf) – SHORT

She never came into this so willing. It was the innocent ones who had the most to hide and so it went with that first evening of sake and sushi in the financial district. We had laughs, we had giggles, we talked college, we talked life but her eyes betrayed her. The first caresses of my head as I whispered my intentions in her ears told me everything. Its those subtle cues that get me going, the nail digs, the change in her tone, the breathy requests in my ear. 

I had to guide her, train her and bring out all the animalistic instincts. It never came naturally to her, from a conservative culture where such things were kept hushed for fear of letting the genie out of the bottle. 

The little sessions in the Tokyo skyline were what she looked forward to most week in and week out after her shifts at the Mitsubishi bank, shimmers of blue cascading across our moody room and her on all fours waiting to receive her due punishments. We’d book the room for the night. ‘Do not interrupt’ hung outside. 

Don’t worry, nobody on the plane will hear you through that face mask [Mf]

My eyes flicker open with the plane in near darkness and the soft tones of the captain dispersing through the speakers. 

“We’re just crossing over Texas. Local time is 3am, temperature is 100 Fahrenheit. We’re on time and we have another three hours approximately to go to LAX.” I lose focus as his words trail into meaningless chatter about the weather. 

Looking back, I see almost the whole of first class asleep, the cabin crew, idly chatting at one end of the aircraft and a couple of reading lights left on. But apart from that, it’s quiet. Just the sound of the air conditioning and the plane making its way to California. 

Mike is waking up too, one eyelid lifts open as he lifts his stubbled cheeks against my shoulder and nuzzles my face. He had to catch as many hours as he could before the big meeting tomorrow with the Hollywood execs but it was proving difficult for both of us. 

He’s in his casual suit, black shirt, crisp black pants, a beautiful silver watch, a Patek strapped to his wrist. He’s honestly delicious and it’s making it difficult to think of anything else. My husband looks very sexy, as much as it pains me to concede it, when he wanted to he knew how to sharpen up, he knew exactly how to keep a girl on her toes.

You’re a good student but I’d prefer to make you bad (Mf)

The classroom is sweltering as the clock hits 4:57pm. Only a few minutes of detention left. 

My first ever, completely unexpected, I had whispered to my friend MacKenzie in his class and that was that, I was told to stay behind. 

Of course, I didn’t necessarily mind, I got to take in the full spectacle of Mr. Laurent, a French whirlwind of gorgeousness. Tanned, long-flowing black locks contouring his face, shaping the piercing hazel eyes that would leave your heart beating more than a little faster each time.  He was my most interesting teacher by far, English literature, he made the pages come alive, he made learning fun. It was more than a bonus that he was the crush of every girl in my year too.  It was almost a shame I was only going to be able to take him in in my final year of school before college, just after turning eighteen. After the next few months he was gone out of my life… forever.

It was never going to be sweet with him…

Idaho is quiet. Too quiet sometimes, where suburban boredom met my need to explore myself a little more deeply. Fortunately, opportunity came knocking.

At the sleepy end of our road, the old neighbours were moving out. 

I caught sight of him, moving chairs and a few guitars into the lounge from the porch. 

‘Hey I’m Jay.’

‘Cassie. Nice to meet you.’

‘It’s just me staying here, bought another house away from LA, wanted the peace and quiet.’ 

He had a Latin vibe to him, dark hair, dark eyebrows, dreamy in the way his eyes tore into me every time he spoke. He was tall, ripped in his henley top, open buttons revealing the top lines to his chest. Not a normal boy of our neighbourhood. He had an attitude that made him seem ten years older than he actually was. 

‘You should come over tomorrow. I’m doing drinks.’

‘What about quarantine?’ My dad would freak if he knew I was out like that. And yet, I was more than a little intrigued. 

Short and sweet. Please lather me up

He lathers the bubbles all over me, his skilled hands moving slowly across my
chest as my hands instinctively reach for his chin, trying to clutch onto
anything I can as the sensation builds inside me. The warmth of the water
soothes my skin as his baritone voice rings out to me.

“I’m in no rush tonight, I’m going to tease you for hours. You’re going to beg
for your release.” He commands me effortlessly.
I admire the tattoos, across his pecs and his upper back, some serious
definition meeting my eyes as my desire pools in a steep motion. His hands
glide ever lower, sending little shockwaves shuddering across my body as he
trails a slow and definitive stroke down to the top of my groin, his bursting
brown eyes never leaving mine. I know he’s going to work me up into a
gasping and shuddering mess.

“Oh god yes…please yes.”

I’m his for the taking, no indecisiveness in my voice, a slave to my master for
the evening. My head rolls freely as he explores me further, his lips latching
onto my neck playfully as his fingers start to beckon me in a come hither

Same time next week? – MF Massage Script

This is a script for a male voiceover, there is a recorded version too but just want to share the writing ?


Hey! It’s good to see you again. How’ve you been?

You look a bit…stressed…frustrated, I
guess with everything going on it’s not so surprising, hope you haven’t been too bored.
That’s okay, we’re going to resolve that. You can leave your coat and jacket over by the
candles in the corner, just throw them on the hook. Leave your phone by the table over
there, we don’t want any distractions today, you can ignore all the messages. The head
towel should be nice and warm, fresh off the radiator, the table is soft and comfortable, ready
for you, I’m just stretching my hands and fingers, cracking my knuckles and getting the
creaks out of my joints.

Take all your layers off for me. Strip down to your panties, get rid of the excess baggage and
anything hampering you down, you need to be loose and free to indulge yourself. A free
body is a free mind. That’s it…good, you can leave your dress with me, I’ll fold it and leave it
on the chair by stones.