I’m Glad You Used Your SafeWord, Baby Girl [M4F] [AUDIO]

Premise: I come home early from a business trip and am less than pleased to see you were using a toy without my permission. Well it seems you need a sharp reminder about who gets to use your pussy. You’re mine baby girl and I have to show you every ounce of that. I get aggressive with you and tease you with my words, my tongue and my pulsing length. Just as I really start to get too much with it, you use your safeword and I bring you down safely and calmly before carrying you off to the shower to soap and massage you off.

Click [HERE](https://soundgasm.net/u/bestkeptsecret/Safeword-turns-to-loving-shower-sex)
to listen to the full audio.ALL CHARACTERS IN THIS SCRIPT ARE 18+ AND THIS MATERIAL IS WRITTEN BY ADULTS AND TO BE CONSUMED ONLY BY ADULTS This script was written by u/snooooza! All credit to her for the writing.X

Check out r/MyBestKeptSecret for more sexual health, kink and wellness discussion.

Categorized as Erotica

[M4F] You could say this was the blind leading the blind [Mdom] [Tinder Date] [Audio Erotica]

About two weeks ago, I decided to get back into the dating scene. I’ve just moved to New York for my new role as a Professor at the music college after retiring from a hedge fund. I have always had the passion for it and wanted a complete change in career. I match with you, a beautiful young woman and have been chatting for a minute or so on Tinder but as great as that is, I want to meet you in person so I suggest dinner, some late night music and I walk you home to your apartment. Of course the goodbyes are never as straightforward and uncomplicated as the movies and I don’t think we can end the night right there.

VA: Mr. Robinson

Listen Here: https://soundgasm.net/u/bestkeptsecret/You-could-say-this-was-the-blind-leading-the-blind

The new king chases and tames me, a submissive princess, deep in the forest (Mf)

The clock strikes Midnight and there is a strange aura moving across the town. All I hear are the creaks of anxious men patrolling and hushed whispers of terrified women and children.

Suddenly a loud cry rings out from the castle walls. And horns and drums are beaten for the first time as the attack becomes imminent.

‘They’re here. Take cover.’

I watch in horror as waves of men descend upon the wall. Our troops try to fight back but the first rows are crushed completely as arrows and swords strike through the blackened sky. It wasn’t long before it became clear how outmatched we were. The castle was lost and with it the throne. I rush around amongst injured bodies and screaming women as I try to find the Royal hand. Out of smoke and flames, he emerges carrying a wounded arm and grimacing with each step.

‘Princess run, now!’

‘Where is Prince Frederick?’

‘Nobody has seen him m’am, you must flee now!’

The men are through the castle walls, laying siege to the buildings and burning the cattle huts to the ground. I had to escape somehow, anyhow, with anyone who would follow. The forest was the only way.

She was ungrateful for her rescue but didn’t object to her body becoming hostage to my will (Mf)

The lobster is delicious, freshly caught from the bay. My villa is cooler this time of year but I’m not one to complain after the torturous months of intense heat. My Patek strikes 9pm as the wind sifts through the trees overhead and the sound of our forks hitting the plates rings out across the patio. Cyndi Mason, a girl with dreams bigger than her station is sitting at the opposite end of my long table, anger wrought across her face.

She had been sniffing around the accounts far too much for the big boss’s liking. It was one thing to have some press curiosity, but this girl was tenacious and of course that was not good for business, it wasn’t good for him, it wasn’t good for me, it wasn’t good for the whole operation. So I intervened.

Of course, nothing would have been so complicated if I hadn’t developed some feelings for her. Intelligent, brave and a whole bundle of energy designed for a hundred women wrapped into one. She was a tall girl, dark olive skin, heavy black curls set against her gentle features, a fiery and full bodied American Latina. Wearing one of the Saint Laurent cocktail dresses I had spare in my wardrobe.

I study with the sexy girl from class, we’re complete strangers yet completely in tune with each other’s bodies (Mf)

All characters in my story are over 18!

I knock on the door three times. 

“Mackenzie, it’s Jake from class.” This was so unusual, complete strangers meeting like this. I lean against the door frame, letting my hips sag into it. I’m nearly as tall as the frame, the curses of being a football player, a wide receiver at that. The door flies open.

“Jake, hey come in.” Fuck, she looks hot. Her brown skin shimmers with the broiling late Summer heat, her black hair flowing down to her mid-back, amber eyes looking back at me under seductive lashes, a light coating of lipstick accentuating the fullness of her mouth. She’s wearing a frilly white top, quite a modest piece but exposing just enough to distract me. Ripped Levi’s on her legs, several feet shorter than me. She smiles and moves to one side as I step through into her dorm room, all too aware of the scent she is wearing, a blend of rose and spice. Sunlight strobes through the room and onto her bed. It’s a small room but it has its charm, she clearly takes care of it well. She shuts the door and sits on the bed in front of me, a mild look of apprehension on her face. 

I make sure a cute college girl knows exactly who is in charge (Mf)

I close the door, letting the thick metal slide into place and bolt it quickly. 

She stands in the chains, swaying back and forth lightly on her feet, completely naked apart from the blindfold and silk gag. Her blonde hair is a mess, flailing in several directions, her petite frame a stunning little canvas, prepared for me to paint my punishment and pleasure on. Her breasts heave in place, her breathing already a little laboured, she knew what was going to happen and she was helpless to stop it. 

This was perfect, all going to plan. I barely hear her through the gag, probably pleading for me to go gentle, they all do at the start. She is trying to get cute with her words, that wasn’t going to happen. Oh well, we have a long time to change that.

I decide to tease one of my most demanding massage clients (Mf)

Sarah looks at the screen before smiling and looking inquisitively at me.

“Miss Gomez? As in Christina, your first client?”

I raise my eyebrows, giving her fair warning, she knew I didn’t like getting into more personal details at work. She knew this was business.

“Yes, the same. It’s business Sarah you know this.”

“Of course, it’s just business. Enjoy your evening Ben.” She smiles meekly and flings her coat on, jingling her house keys in her hand before. “Catch you tomorrow.”

I nod and watch her leave, straight into a blustery swirl of leaves and sidewalk debris spinning around her, the New York weather was turning, Winter was firmly on the way. Taking a quick toilet break, I sigh deeply, it was just us two all alone again just like that first time and what was worse was I don’t think I can keep my hands off her for more than a few seconds this time.

As I go to walk back into the massage room I hear her sweet voice ringing out behind me.

“Hey Ben. Long time no speak.”

The whole city gets to watch me fucked senseless against the hotel window (Mf)

With a quick swipe of the card, we are in. The suite has a simple minimalist layout. The floor-to-ceiling windows give us the same view as we had at Cloud 23 over the city, taking in her every detail and there are two bathrooms, one with a shower and one with a bathtub. A bathrobe dangles from the hook with some complimentary slippers on the floor. 

I peel my black dress off, slowly working my hands across my skin and stepping out of it to leave it coiled on the floor. I go to remove my bra but there is no need. He holds me from behind, directing me towards the bathroom mirror. We stand together for a few brief moments, as I revel in the touch of his shaved jaw and chin on my neck, before he leans in closer to adorn me with the softest of kisses. His thumb and forefinger reach for my bra clasp and within a few seconds my breasts are exposed in front of the mirror. 

I put my hands to good use on the massage table for a sexy client (Mf)

“Miss Gomez.”

I push through the doors, checking over my notes and am greeted with my first glimpse of her perched on the edge of the table, her legs swinging back and forth and her body arching to one side, revealing a well-toned figure. 

She is a very cute and petite brunette, bronzed olive skin lit on fire by the steady New York heat. Her hair flows down to her hips, swaying with her body as she balances on the edge of the table. She has beautiful curves in all the right areas, like an hourglass shape, adorned in a light blue floral dress with a waist I want to grab onto firmly and much more. 

“Please, you can call me Christina.” Flashing her eyes at me, I catch their deep hazel and brown reflecting under the artificial lights above. A subtle smile at the edges of her lips, completely coy and classy but a hint of menace to her too, venom she could spew if you aggravated her the wrong way. I look back down at my notes to try and provide some distraction. 

“Okay, Christina, how are you today?”

You’re not going to tell your parents about this are you? Pt. 2

Pt. 2 of this story below!


A few days had passed. I’d barely spoken to Kinsey but worst of all I had heard nothing from Mister Schwartz. Aka Matt, my best friend’s dad who had turned my world upside down on his kitchen counter. Apparently he had been out of town on business but he hadn’t even bothered to text or call me. It hurt. A lot.

I slouch in an armchair watching some makeup tutorials on YouTube. The usual nonsense, I can’t focus on anything. 

Three knocks at the door. Stumbling up from the chair, I lurch towards the front door half asleep and pull several chains off it before opening reluctantly. 

It’s Kinsey. I know it seems stupid to say but after everything that transpired with her dad, she was honestly the last person I wanted to see. 

“Rach. Let’s go to the Lake House for the weekend. Jeremy and Wade and their crew are coming as well. C’mon it’ll be fun.” Jeremy and crew, yay, total airheads from high school, Jeremy who had never stopped hitting on me for two years. Great. But maybe the distraction would do me some good, away from all the craziness that had ensued over here. My mind hops around in circles before I nod slowly. I needed a break from the house.