Last time I posted, I mentioned that around finals time, my TA and I rekindled our little sex fire during finals. So, by popular demand (which I literally can’t believe I’m saying – thank you so much to everyone who read the first half of this story, I can’t believe more than 2 people read it haha) and because it is currently ~finals season~, here is that story.
Quick Re-cap (feel free to skip):
So, this happened over a year ago in my sophomore year in college (pre-covid). For reference, I am 5’2, pretty large boobs, dark hair, hazel eyes and my TA (whose fake name is Matt) is 28 and quite cute (tall, dark hair, dark eyes). During midterm season, I went to his office hours and we had a little bit of fun fucking in his office. My first story about my TA is here:[I (F21) Fucked My TA (M28) Part 1](