Indian F: How to (not) be #1 in sales AMA [F]

Long time lurker here. Finally decided to post.I work in sales in the financial industry. Finance is is a very male dominated industry. Being a young, cute female has its pros and cons. Cons, you’re not really taken seriously. Pros, you can use your female persuasion in the male industry.

When I first got hired, I was fresh out of college. The guy who hired me, actually hired a bunch of hot women at the same time. There was this MeToo type of thing going on, as his intent was just to fill his sales team with hot women and have us flirt and stuff. So my class went through all the training, but most of them dropped out or couldn’t really do the job (even with their looks). Soon enough, upper management caught wind of his plans, fired him, and kept me around for fear of some kind of harassment lawsuit.