(MF) Office hours with my professor…

I had been having a hard time staying up to speed in my Stats class, I felt like I was drowning in work by the middle of the semester. My professor was a middle aged good looking young guy, he would always invite us to his office hours outside of class. I thought I could catch up, but at this point it was too much and I knew that I was going to be forced to come see him for some one-on-one help.

My professor was what most women would call tall, dark, and handsome… he also had big muscular arms and big chest from what I’m assuming were many years of working hard in the gym. His kind and welcoming personality was just the cherry on top.

Cuming home from work [MF]… first time posting, curious to know what you all think

You get home from work and think to yourself that you cannot wait to get out of your clothes. You walk in and it’s completely quiet, so you go about your normal routine. You eventually walk into your room just tired after a long day at work and I’m sitting on the edge of your bed. You’re surprised to see me and just as you’re about to say something I say “no, don’t say a word”. There’s a red blindfold hanging on the knob of the door and I tell you to turn around and face away from me. I then come over put the blindfold over your eyes. As I’m doing this I’m so close to you that you can feel my breath and more importantly my cock rubbing up against you as I stand behind you.

Your heart begins to race and your mind is going a thousand miles per hour, wondering what I’m going to do to you. I walk you over to your bed and begin undressing you, stripping you down to only your bra and panties. I run my fingers gently over your skin, going down the center of your body till I get to your pussy. I can feel the heat radiating from your insides like a fire that is beginning to get stronger.