[MF] My unicorn finally earns her prize

This is something of a follow-up to my previous post, which you can find [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/6ulesq/mf_the_first_of_many_times_with_my_unicorn/) if you care for a slightly more detailed backstory between Kaitlyn and I. If you don’t, the gist is as follows, I met her at work and there was instantly a strong connection. Attribute it to whatever you want but there is something special about her to me. It’s something that I know I won’t ever find in another woman again. That’s what makes her my unicorn.

Our first night was something I’ll never forget and it will be the bar by which I judge all future sexual encounters, whether they’re with her or with someone else. Maybe that’s because it was my first time in over a decade with a woman. Maybe it’s because it was with my unicorn and there’s some force, or energy, between the two of us that makes every moment with her absolutely amazing. Maybe it’s because she can suck and fuck like nobody’s business. Perhaps it’s a combination of all three.

[MF] The first of many times with my unicorn

I’ve been subscribed to gonewildstories for quite a while now but have only recently become inspired to contribute. I’ll start off by saying I’m no writer by any stretch of the imagination so if my writing leaves something to be desired, that’s why. I’ve been known to be long-winded but I’ll try to keep it as short as I can. Since it’s not just your average hook-up story, there’s a bit of buildup and backstory that is kind of required to do the whole encounter justice though. This is the story of the first time I had sex with the woman of my dreams, my unicorn if you will.

She’s not my unicorn because she’s stunningly beautiful. Not that I don’t think she’s absolutely gorgeous but that’s not why I call her my unicorn. She’s my unicorn because I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I’ll never find another woman quite like her. There’s something about her presence that just does something to me in both a sexual and non-sexual context. We just *fit* together and everything just feels right when I’m with her. Anyway, I’ll mark the section where the actual sex begins for those of you who want to jump right into the action. Without further ado…