How I [M]et the girl who took my virginity. Part 3. Finale part/cleanup

Part 1 – [](

Part 2 – [](

This is the final post of this section of my life. This girl fucked me every chance we got and i have a few more stories. I didn’t expect any upvotes on the first two but plenty of people liked them so here are the last good parts of fucking Amber.

Amber knew I was getting orders to overseas in a few months. This “relationship” wouldn’t last because there was no way for her to come with me. We both agreed we had “romantic” feeling for each other but at the end of the day we were in it for the sex. She asked me every day to tell her a fantasy or something sexual I wanted to try. After a week or so, I ran out of ideas so she again took the lead.

The first thing we did that wasn’t “vanilla” sex was a little domination. Domination is putting it lightly but she agreed to do whatever i asked, in regard to her no oral and condoms rule. It was simple, but new to me. I’m not a dom, and have no want or need to become one, but it was fun with amber. When it started We were in seperate house and she texted me, “I’ll do whatever you tell me to do”

How I [M]et the girl who took my virginity, Part 2.

This is the second part of my v-card story.

part 1 – [](

This is the text exchange from immediately after part 1 –
Amber – “I’m glad you told me you’ve never had sex, I understand why you were taking it slow now. Just so you know, you had me so worked up after you left last night I had to take care of myself”

How I [M]et the girl who took my virginity, Part 1.

This is LONG. This is a lead up to the next story about my first time. It gets deep and dark about my personal life around the first time I had sex. Revealing details have been changed for anonymity.

Midwest – early 2010’s

At 22, I was striking out for years at college bars and on dating sites. I thought the odds would be in my favor. Athletic military member in a college town? I honestly didn’t think I would have to work so hard to get laid. Time and time again I was stood up and ignored. It got to the point where I just kinda stopped trying. I would go out with friends and co-workers but never tried to hook up with women. On one end, I was happy in my current state and it was multiplied every time I heard a co-worker say something like “I think that bitch at the bar gave me the clap” or “fuck my life is over my GF is pregnant”

I was happy and unhappy at the same time. I wanted sex but couldn’t get it to save my life. Until I signed up for college classes on my military base.