[MM] Beta husband finally finds an Alpha to serve.

My heart felt like it was about to jump out of my chest as I walked up a set of unfamiliar stairs to face an unfamiliar door. My stomach was in knots, my breathing was erratic and made me a little worried I was actually going to pass out. My body was screaming at me to turn around and go back home to my wife, that this was a mistake; but my mind had been fantasizing and planning this moment for years and wasn’t about to let me chicken out.

I came there straight from work, but I stopped at a store along the way to buy a pair of gym shorts and a grey t-shirt. I was too paranoid she would be able to smell his house on my clothes, but standing there in that outfit just made me feel like I was back in middle school gym class to be honest which just multiplied how vulnerable I was feeling.

302, all I could do was just stand there staring at that number plastered on the door. I think that image is going to be burned into my mind forever. I gathered every ounce of strength and will I had, knocked and waited patiently for a response.