[FFM] I had a threesome with my dentist and his hygienist.

This is my first time writing out one of my experiences like this, so I hope it’s ok. I did a couple of AMA’s before, but as a quick background, I very much enjoy having sex with couples. So yes, the mythical unicorn. I often get described as “sweet” and I guess come across as the innocent girl or whatever, and in my every day life I guess I am, but behind closed doors I love to fuck. I am bisexual, and as I mentioned, I love having sex with couples.

Anyway, to get to it, I went in for a teeth cleaning. I’d been going to this dentist for a few years, and always thought he was hot. He seems really young for a dentist, probably in his early thirties, dark hair, short trimmed beard, handsome. We never flirted or anything like that previously, but he has always been very friendly. I’ve had the same hygienist there every time except the first time, Kelsey, and she’s a real hottie, too. Very pretty, blond hair, glasses, and she’s really funny. It’s hard to talk to her when she’s doing the cleaning obviously but we’ve always had really fun conversations when I’ve been there.