HS Graduation Night [mf]

***this story has an extremely long backstory so you can skip ahead if you want but it may take away from the main part***

When I started 11th grade, it was at a brand new school that had just been built in our county. There was no senior class the first year it opened, just freshmen through juniors. Since it was a brand new school, the districts were realigned so we started going to school with kids from several other schools in the county that we’d never gone to school with before.

There was a girl that I knew of, but never met from another school, we were friends on MySpace lol but I didn’t KNOW her, just added her because I thought she was hot. We didn’t have any classes together that year but ended up becoming part of the same friend group.

Fast forward to senior year, I took art first period, SHE was in my class. We sat at the same table because the class was mostly freshman and sophomores, now that I think about it, we may have been the only seniors in the class. Well, I had a girlfriend, a pretty serious girlfriend so I looked forward to first period everyday but never crossed a line, just basically innocent very minor flirting.