My slutty years

Hi there, I suppose this is a confession of sorts, I was a complete slut in my teens. I've never really told anyone of my past before but I have recently got engaged and confessed all to my boyfriend and I decided to also write it down here for him to read.

I have always been quite adventurous and often got into to trouble when I was young, I loved (and still do) to wear make-up, short skirts, flirt with boys and what not. I lost my virginity at 15 with a boy in a garden shed, it wasn't a spectacular event, kind of just happened. I had a couple of other boyfriends afterwards had little better sex on occasion. I was afraid to be called the school slut at the time so didn't put out too often.

After turning 16 my friends and I would often hang out at a park near home, there were a group of boys older than us (18 to 20 something) that also hung out in a different area of the park, normally drinking or smoking joints. My friends and I started to speak to them on occasion and got high with them a few times.