HER Cock – Tina is horny after her conversation with Jan. She decides to tease Jan with Hank at the center of the teasing (Part 2) [F/M, 28-40, BJ, straight sex]

See part 1 for the conversation between Tina and Jan.

Tina went about the rest of her day trying to keep focused, but she couldn’t get her conversation with Jan out of her head. She felt terrible for Jan. She’d felt that itch a few times when Hank had been away on business. Wanting a cock and not having Hank there had been torture. Sure, masturbating had taken the edge off, but it wasn’t the same thing. And she’d only had to deal with it for a few days until Hank came back from his trip. Jan had been dealing with it for nearly three years! She could see just how cock hungry Jan was by how turned on she’d been just asking questions about Hank’s cock.

Her cock, she corrected herself. She owned Hank’s cock. And he’d better not stick it anywhere she didn’t say, or he’d be sorry. But she knew Hank would never do that. He was as devoted a husband and father as there was. Still, the thought of it being her cock, that she controlled it, filled her with an odd sense of power.

HER Cock – Jan want’s to know about the cock of Tina’s husband (Part 1) [F/M, 28-40, straight sex]

“Hey Jan,” Tina said as she sat at the table, setting her purse in the empty seat next to her. “I hope you weren’t waiting long.”

The restaurant was busy, but not crowded. It was a local place with some healthy options, and some unhealthy ones for those days when they just needed to indulge. It wasn’t well known in town. So there were never big crowds, just some of the locals. It was the perfect place for what had become their weekly lunch meets after Jan’s divorce almost three years ago.

“Not long,” Jan said. “I came a little early. I had to get out of the house. The kids were driving me crazy today.” She had two kids, a four-year-old, Steven, and an almost two-year-old Samantha. Samantha was conceived when Jan was desperately trying to save her marriage. Her ex didn’t have the same idea. He’d left town with his girlfriend, ditching Jan and the kids to fend for themselves. He didn’t even stick around for Samantha’s birth.

“Georgia watching the kids again?”

“Yeah,” Jan said. “She’s a saint. It’s good to have a neighbor like her.”