Naughty webcam sessions with a long distance friend. [MF]

I’m 33 now but one of my hottest ever memories happened when I had just turned 18 and was heading to university for my first year.

It was in the good old days of MSN Messenger and I somehow got talking to a girl named Nikki (also 18 the time).

How we got talking is a total mystery to me now. I lived in the north of the U.K. and she lived down south. We had no mutual friends but somehow we became as close as two strangers can become when you talk on the internet for hours in the evening and at weekends till 2/3/4am.

Nikki was an extremely cute and innocent looking brunette with a fringe and glasses. She was small with a really cute body and style. It turns out she wasn’t very innocent at all. And neither was I…

Back then, I was a curious 18 year old with not much experience with girls. I was skinny but fit as I played a lot of sports. I’m not much different now but I’ve surprised a few girls along the way.

The best but most uncomfortable blow job of my life with my Hot Spanish Intern in Ibiza. [MF]

It’s the beginning of my third summer as a worker in Ibiza.

(I think this happened in 2015 but the memories get hazy after a while. I’ve done six seasons on and off.) I’ve got plenty of stories from this island but this is my favourite.

At the beginning of every summer, the senior members of the team I worked for organised a team bonding session on the beach. I looked after the company’s social media, so I wasn’t really in touch with the writing interns. I arrived at the beach at about 1 pm and was told I would be meeting the new team members. I quickly discovered all our new interns were girls in their 20s, meaning a team bonding day at the beach was a stroke of genius.

I’m not going to reveal the names of anyone involved in this story so I’ll be referring to the girl in question as ‘Hot Spanish Girl’ or ‘Hot Spanish Intern’. This is also quite long so if you want to skip some of the build up I’ve added in ‘the twist’ in bold and **** FUN SEXY PARTS **** for when it gets juicy.

I’ll continue…

Threesome roleplays with my [ex] girlfriend and my friend’s fiance [MFF]

This is my first time posting in here after reading this thread for years. If it goes down well, I’ll post more. For context, I’m 32 from the U.K. Slim build, into sports, music and I have an extremely high sex drive. I have been curious about a threesome for a while. Unfortunately, it hasn’t happened yet. This is a story about getting close and turning into many role plays in the bedroom with my then-girlfriend.

My former partner [let’s call her Sarah] knew from day one I was into sharing nudes, public flashes and that I loved looking on Reddit threads for confessions. Although she didn’t want me doing it all the time, she loved the idea that I would read/see something on the internet and want to try it out with her. Sarah would tell me to save my favourite confessions, nudes or videos and then show her when we were together.

She would often recreate the nudes, public flashes and send them to me while I was at work. Sarah had been with girls in the past and was into the idea of a threesome. She would ask me which of her friends I fancied when we were on nights out. Instead of getting jealous, she would get incredibly turned on by it. This would then continue into the bedroom and we would often turn this into role plays.