I’m 33 now but one of my hottest ever memories happened when I had just turned 18 and was heading to university for my first year.
It was in the good old days of MSN Messenger and I somehow got talking to a girl named Nikki (also 18 the time).
How we got talking is a total mystery to me now. I lived in the north of the U.K. and she lived down south. We had no mutual friends but somehow we became as close as two strangers can become when you talk on the internet for hours in the evening and at weekends till 2/3/4am.
Nikki was an extremely cute and innocent looking brunette with a fringe and glasses. She was small with a really cute body and style. It turns out she wasn’t very innocent at all. And neither was I…
Back then, I was a curious 18 year old with not much experience with girls. I was skinny but fit as I played a lot of sports. I’m not much different now but I’ve surprised a few girls along the way.