[MF] The craziest night of my life, so far…

This night was three years in the making and my craziest night so far. So I will start with some background for extra context, for those of you who are only interested in the night itself you can skip the background part. We were both around our twenty years old when this happened. I’ve never told anyone this story before.

So the girl who I spent this night with had been interested in me for over three years, lets call her Jessica (not actual name). We met through mutual friends on a night out with said friends 3 years before “the night”. She was hitting on me all night, at one point “accidentally” spilling some of her drink on my hand and then proceeded to lick it off in a very sensual way. She also tried to kiss me on the way home as we were waiting for the buss home but I put my forhead down and blocked the kiss since I had a girlfriend at the time (who wasn’t there that night).