[FM] I asked to be treated rough, and a princess always gets as she wishes <3

A/N: This story isn’t super explicit but it’s also def not sfw so in the GWstories it goes! My restlessness has been insane lately so enjoy the product of my late night writing <3

Some days, I need to be handled rough. There’s no rhyme or reason behind it–at least that I’ve ever been able to understand. Just that every so often, the time comes where my body craves pain, depravity, the sense of danger and helplessness. But I’m a responsible adult, so I’ve been told. I can’t just go throwing myself into dangerous situations for kicks. So, I create them for myself.

**”Choke me when you get in the door pls. ??? I need to be roughhoused.”**

Read with no response. I put down my phone and let it slide off my back; he wasn’t in the mood that often anyways. By the time 6 o clock actually rolled around, I had forgotten entirely about the text. Chores had taken up my time; I was just leaving the laundry room when I heard the front door unlock directly to my left. By the time he opened the door I was already in the kitchen, setting up the sink to do dishes.

[MF] Rope Bunny: Trial version

The lifestyle I live with my boyfriend is pretty casual; he’s intrigued by the harder elements of BDSM but kink is definitely a “once in a while” type of night. He also has a habit of berating anything I get for my content (lingerie, toys, costumes) and drops the act of hating it as soon as we bust it out in the bedroom for the first time. Rope in particular was one he complained about; he **hated** the orange rope I got for my Velma cosplay. Complained about the texture, how rope was supposed to burn, and that he’d show me what he could do when I got some “real” rope.

Then, after a night of light drinking, he began rummaging around my goodies drawer and came out with my coil of rope. He made no mention of his sudden change of heart as he unraveled it, bitching about the length in his signature sourpuss fashion. I mentioned pulling up a tutorial website, but the look on his face told me I’d made a fool of myself with the suggestion.

How my coworker cockblocked himself [FM]

So, I’ve made a lot of friends through work but this story focuses on two, B and D. B was a good friend, chill guy, and unbeknownst to me, had a massive crush on me. D was more uptight, wasn’t the type to smile much, and unbeknownst to him I had a massive crush on him. One day, I came in looking miserable: My boyfriend at the time had fucked me over and lied about it, so we had just broken up and I was still very upset. D was there that day, but B wasn’t.

D saw how I looked and asked if I wanted to go out to Dave n Busters with him and B that night. I agreed, figuring it was just what I needed to get my mind off the fresh ex. D left a little earlier than me, but with a wink and a “See you tonight.” I dwelled on that for hours, but I was convinced it was just a coworkers outing.