The Anniversary- Part 2

Part 1 can be found here, if you’re interested:

The Anniversary- Part 1 from eroticliterature

Ann stood in the center of bedroom, bathed in the blue light of the television. Her senses were suddenly heightened. But why? Her ears rang, and she tried to tell herself that she was simply overreacting.

After all, Cedric would be home in a half hour.

But, the house seemed to breath around her. There was a soft shuffling sound from a far corner, downstairs.

Was it real or did she imagine it?

She scanned the room for her phone, then remembered she had plugged it into an outlet in the kitchen downstairs. She moved toward the bedroom door.

The house went dark. The television went black. The buzz of the air conditioner stopped, and Ann froze in the darkness. From the other end of the home came quick footsteps.

Ann moved to guest room across the hall, and as quickly slipped inside. She closed the door, while just outside she heard feet on the stairwell. They bound up the steps, and into her bedroom. Ann fumbled at a window as quietly as she could before the guest room door burst open, and she was blinded by a bright, blue light.

The Anniversary- Part 1

Ann sat at the makeup table in her spacious bedroom, applying a few finishing touches to her face. Earlier in the afternoon her husband had called and wished her a happy anniversary.

“I can’t talk right now. I’m working hard to get home on time but get ready. I’m taking you out to dinner. We’re going to get drunk, and then I am going to bring you home and fuck your brains out. Be ready by 8:00. Wear that black dress. Love you.”

So, she showered. She shaved. She thought about their last few years together. She had resigned herself to the possibility of maybe not being able to have children. For their first several years together, she had blamed him for being childless. How he didn’t want to get married. How she had thought that maybe he had been unfaithful, or uncommitted.

But after six years tings had steadied. Cedric became more present. He made more of an effort and she accepted the fact that he was a workaholic. He was faithful. He made good money, and he supported her when she made the decision to go back to school. He was more and more attractive to her, the more time that they spent together.