[MF] Casual Facials

NOTE: I created this throwaway to post this story but didn’t realize it had to be older than 1 day to get posted. Sorry if reposting it is a violation or whatever. If it is, please delete it. Otherwise- enjoy!
“You want to what?” said my wife, in shock and disbelief.

“You should have listened when I warned you that it was weird and oddly specific,” I told her. “But no, you HAD to know what my one secret kinky never-told-anyone-before wild weird fetish fantasy was. Now you think I’m some kind of psycho sex offender one step away from having his name put one a list and being forced to live in a cave sixty miles from anyone who might be offended by him.”

She laughed. “Well, no, not quite. But let me get this straight- you want me to ignore you while you cum on my face-”

“Or wherever,” I interrupted.

“Or wherever,” she continued. “And then what? I’m supposed to…”

“Uh, just go on with whatever you were doing before. But with my cum on your face-”

“Or wherever.”

“Yeah. And that’s, uh, pretty much it.”