“An unceasing desire” Installment 1 of possibly many to come (hah)

So writing is fun, but takes a lot of time. If you guys like this story so far I'll add more later. It's going to be about man and his increasingly persistent libido, which leads to many interesting encounters but eventually disrupts his psychology and mental health and leads him to disaster and depression… until he encounters a mysterious girl named Lihua, who helps him to overcome this affliction.

Dear Lihua, Where to begin? After reading my note, you may not believe me. You may think that I am a deviant pervert, a delusional eromaniac or simply a stalker. But I must tell you, and I must thank you Lihua, for saving me from the torture that I had lived for thirty five years of my sad life.

Lihua, if that is your real name. We met only once nearly seven years ago. To you, that night was probably only a fleeting bit of fun or rebellion; you were so young and without a care in the world. You told me you were twenty three, but I didn't believe it even then. I could tell from your honest eyes and your smooth, tender skin… and from the way you giggled and your high voice. I only hope that you were of age… I imagine that since then you have changed quite a lot. I only hope that the world was not overly cruel in taking away your youth. I hope that I did not contribute to that inevitability…