“An unceasing desire” Installment 1 of possibly many to come (hah)

So writing is fun, but takes a lot of time. If you guys like this story so far I'll add more later. It's going to be about man and his increasingly persistent libido, which leads to many interesting encounters but eventually disrupts his psychology and mental health and leads him to disaster and depression… until he encounters a mysterious girl named Lihua, who helps him to overcome this affliction.

Dear Lihua, Where to begin? After reading my note, you may not believe me. You may think that I am a deviant pervert, a delusional eromaniac or simply a stalker. But I must tell you, and I must thank you Lihua, for saving me from the torture that I had lived for thirty five years of my sad life.

Lihua, if that is your real name. We met only once nearly seven years ago. To you, that night was probably only a fleeting bit of fun or rebellion; you were so young and without a care in the world. You told me you were twenty three, but I didn't believe it even then. I could tell from your honest eyes and your smooth, tender skin… and from the way you giggled and your high voice. I only hope that you were of age… I imagine that since then you have changed quite a lot. I only hope that the world was not overly cruel in taking away your youth. I hope that I did not contribute to that inevitability…

I must begin, Lihua, by telling you of my terrible condition and how it developed, before you can begin to understand how you saved me. You see Lihua, I suffered from an affliction that I have never seen –truly seen that is– in another man: the complete inability to be satisfied, sexually. This condition was slow to develop. When I was young and just beginning to understand my body, I had no issues. I suspect now though, that it may have been this early beginning to my sexuality that led to my later issues. You see, my first sexual experiences were… unconventional. Perverse even, incestuous. They began with my sister.

It is humiliating for me to recount these experiences, but I want you to understand the roots of my future torture. When I was eleven, my older sister Hannah walked in on me playing with myself. Back then, I would lie in my underwear on the carpeted floor of my room and simply enjoy the pressure of my own body on my young penis. I would lie there and push my body back and forth and back and forth across the carpet until I climaxed, only back then I did not even know what I was experiencing. I was too young to cum, and nothing would come out of my penis as it throbbed in youthful bliss. The dry climax nevertheless felt new and exciting, and I loved to lie there as I climaxed and try to push out as many waves of pleasure as I could before the feeling subsided. When Hannah walked into my room that first day, she was wearing nothing but a long pink "juicy" shirt which barely covered her green panties underneath and which revealed her long, beautiful legs. My sister was athletic and gregarious; a lightning rod of athleticism and energy that sometimes devolved into violent and scathing teenage angst. At age fourteen, she was far more developed than I was, and already was having discreet rendezvous with older guys from the neighborhood high school. That day as I lay on the floor in a white shirt and underwear, rubbing back and forth, I paid no mind to Hannah as she entered my room. I did not know that what I was doing was something to keep to myself.

At first, she just stared at me, her long, straight sunny-brown hair partially covering her face and resting softly against her perky, braless chest. Then, she giggled. her face grinning and cruel, young turquoise eyes staring down at me in look of mocking derision. I remember feeling scared and confused. I stopped rubbing myself, and watched as her eyes changed. The derision vanished and was replaced by a look of mischief and contemplation. She stood there for what felt like minutes, and her nipples slowly hardened until they were clearly visible through her tight pink juicy shirt. She walked closer to me and I sat up, feeling nervous.

I remember that when she finally got close enough to me to kneel down, I began to truly pay attention to her body for the first time. She had done ballet and dance for the past seven years, and so her legs were soft, pink and youthful, but strong and tensed with muscle as she leaned down. Her legs were perfectly smooth, and her shirt draped softly about her as she knelt. She was resting on the balls of her feet, and I could not help but stare at her bright green panties, which poked out from under her revealing juicy shirt, and bulged slightly with her pubic hair. Her butt, which flashed for a moment as she sat down, was skinny but smooth and pushed out at her panties. She began to speak and my eyes snapped up to her face again

"hey, Brian, you little freak."

She always used to call me that.

"You aren't supposed to play with yourself when other people are around."

At this point I was backed up against my wall, for the first time feeling exposed due to my only wearing underwear. The derision in her eyes had now entirely vanished and been replaced by a distant contemplation and curiosity. She began to inch even closer to me on her knees and continued to stare. I remember my eyes darting back and forth from her bare legs, rubbing together as she moved across the carpet to her eyes, staring incessantly back at mine, to her hard nipples poking through the "J" and "C" of her juicy shirt.

"wh.. what are you doing Hannah?" I asked nervously

Hannah rested on her bare knees only inches from my face and put a hand on my feet.

"Hey you little freak. I said you're not supposed to play with yourself when other people are round…" Her legs were curled underneath her, muscles tightening under her butt and panties.

She sat there, breasts moving up and down with her breathing, thinking. The mischief came back into her eyes, but I was not looking at her eyes. She was taller than me by a few inches and with my back against the wall, my face was on level with her perky breasts. She noticed my staring and continued then.

"When other people are around, you shouldn't play with yourself…" She paused briefly, " but I'm your sister, and we can play together if you'd like."

I looked up her eyes again, where the look of curiosity had been overcome with a look of desire. I felt my penis stirring, by itself this time, and becoming larger, something which had never happened before when playing with myself. I was looking into her tourquise eyes, and she looked back at me, but out of the corner of my vision I was ever aware of her feminine and athletic body moving with her soft breath. Her hand began to move from where it had been resting on my foot and up my hairless leg.

We were staring intensely at each other now and her hand touched my underwear. I tensed a little, but let her continue. She reached inside my underwear, and slowly, softly, began to move her hands up and down my stiff penis.

at first I just sat and let her hands explore me, staring at her breasts, which had become so hard that not only her nipples, but her breasts in their entirety seemed to be fighting against her pink shirt. Her hand was warm and comforting as it moved up and down from the base of my penis to the top.

I was confused and amazed, but my heart was racing with a new and unfamiliar desire. Without thinking, my little hands reached up and squeezed Hannah's perky breasts through her pink juicy shirt. Hannah stopped for a moment, looking only surprised at first. I stopped too, lifted my hands from her breasts and opened my mouth ready to apologize.

"No." She said. "it's okay." Smiling at me

Some of the mischief in her gaze had been replaced by a sisterly kindness. Then, playfully, seductively, she brought her hands to down to her waist and then down to the bottom of her shirt. She held her shirt with her hands, as if to take it off, stopped, and after a second brought her hands to mine.

She then guided my hands to the bottom of her shirt, her breasts pressed together emphasizing her cleavage, which blocked my view of her legs except for her knees. She grinned at me playfully, and now I was smiling too. I curled her tight Juicy shirt up over her breasts. Hannah then lifted her arms, and I had to sit up and strain slightly to remove the shirt entirely. When I looked back down, I was in for a shock.

There Hannah sat, only inches from me, naked except for her bright green panties and on her knees , smiling at me. Her breasts, the first breasts that I had seen except for our shared mother's, curved down from the nape of her neck into a perky sharp point at her nipples. They were not small, but neither were they too large for her athletic teenage frame.

Hannah then leaned back on her butt and one hand, her breasts still pointing up in the air and her legs spreading apart suggestively. My eleven year old penis could not have managed anything beyond foreplay, even if I had known what to do, but it was straining and had manged to get very hard. She beckoned to me with her left hand to come forward. Instinctively, I leaned over her body, as if in the missionary position.

"Take off your underwear first silly" Hannah said, looking up at me cutely with her green eyes, with a hint of assumed maturity in her voice.

EDIT: Sorry, I'm bad at formatting. Minor changes for clarity. Also I've never written erotica before so tips would be appreciated

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2yg46t/an_unceasing_desire_installment_1_of_possibly