The mystery of my first time

I've never been very good with girls, and it didn't help that I was an annoying, ugly little chubster in high school.

In college I started running and eating right, being forced to talk to girls, and I got better looking. I learned to pretend I was confident. I was still a nervous wreck deep down, but if joining a fraternity did anything to better me as a person, it taught me to be more confident and outgoing.

Either way, until the start of my fourth year, I hadn't had sex. I had only slept (literally slept, and cuddled) with a couple girls, kissed a few more at parties, and gotten a couple handies. I hadn't done much more, and my excuse to myself was that I was waiting for the right person. A serious girlfriend or something like that. But I was still just as horny as ever.

Toward the start of my fourth year, my house threw a party. Many beers, pulls of admiral nelson, and shots of who knows what transformed me from a quiet guy to a party animal, dancing on a table with 3 other guys, each of us accompanied by a random grinding or twerking girl.