[F]ucking [M]y colleague in the train toilet

Following on from [Chapter 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lrigxn/corrupted_by_an_older_female_colleague_part_7/). If you want to start from the beginning, Chapter 1 is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lgzc0n/24m_corrupted_by_29f_colleague/).

*”You’ll always come back to me” she said. “You might think about fucking other girls in the office but none of them will ever be me” and she pulled my head into her huge tits and i sucked on her erect nipples. “Now cum for me” at the same time grabbing my balls as if to milk me into her hungry cunt. I shot my load almost instantly and she pushed her hips down hard as she felt wave after wave of spunk hit her cervix. When i’d finished shooting, she got off, kissed me on the lips and whispered “I always get what i want” before going to the bathroom to clean up.*

*I lay there with my mind whirring but by the time she returned i was fast asleep.*

Corrupted by an older [F]emale colleague – Part 7 – Lucy gets her Revenge

Following on from [Chapter 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lptxi2/corrupted_by_a_female_colleague_part_6_return_of/). Thank you to all of you who have enjoyed so far, it’s been alot of fun reliving all this. For those who haven’t and have got abit of time on their hands, the story starts [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lgzc0n/24m_corrupted_by_29f_colleague/).

*”Fuck Harry! Cum for me!” which i did obligingly, flooding her sweet, wet cunt with bollock milk. She collapsed on my chest and I lay there holding her tight. I should have felt a wave of guilt for Chloe at this point but all I could think about was getting another round in before I had to depart…*

We fucked a couple more times that evening and even managed to fit in a quick one the following morning before I left, only minutes before her sister returned. I had also insisted on keeping the pale pink panties she had stuffed in her mouth the previous night, after all – i had bought them! We chatted a fair amount over the next few days and it was clear that Nic was still keen for us to get back together and whilst i must say I did seriously consider it, I had complicated my life far too much during our 6 month hiatus for stuff to ever go back to normal. I came clean to her about this and whilst she was understandably disappointed, it was probably the first time in years we had been truly honest with each other and we decided to try and remain friends.

Corrupted by a [F]emale colleague Part 6 – Return of the Ex

*I saw a couple of messages from Lucy which i opened out of sight of Chloe, the last one which read “That was so hot, can’t wait for you to fill my arse again x”.*


Despite Lucy’s message, which being a red blooded male naturally got my imagination working overtime, I was into Chloe in a big way and didn’t want to start something with her whilst fucking around with someone else. That said, the Lucy situation had to be managed carefully so as not to be awkward at work so I did send a well thought through reply that tried to laugh off her comments and blame late replying on being wasted etc. After temporarily disarming that time bomb, I spent the rest of Sunday trying unsuccessfully to keep my hands off Chloe.

During the next week, i tried to gradually reduce my communication with Lucy and got it in early that the following weekend I was golfing so wouldn’t be able to see her (Looking back on this I am fully aware that this was the coward’s route out and i should have been upfront with her but hindsight is a wonderful thing and i was trying to preserve a working relationship as well.) I continued this charade for a few weeks, all the time spending more and more time with Chloe. Things were going well and i even started to confide in a close friend at work that i saw this being something serious.

24[M] Corrupted by [F]emale Colleague – Part 5 – Enter Chloe…

Following on from the [previous chapter](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ll1ptt/24m_corrupted_by_an_older_f_colleague_part_4_the/). Thanks to everyone who has enjoyed so far, appreciate they can be quite long but when you’re bored, locked down at home working, it’s quite fun thinking to the good old days when you could actually have casual sex! [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lgzc0n/24m_corrupted_by_29f_colleague/), [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lhjz8s/24m_corrupted_by_an_older_f_colleague_part_2/) and [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/libmq0/24m_corrupted_by_female_colleague_29f_part_3/) are also available.

*”I’ve spent three weeks dreaming of that” she muttered as i slowly pulled my cock out of her cum filled shitter. “Now fuck off so I can sleep” as she rolled over and closed her eyes. I quickly got dressed and slipped out whilst my still warm cum slowly dripped out her arsehole.*

As mentioned previously, that afternoon/evening it was my high school friend Emma’s birthday. Emma and I had been very close friends since we were 13 and despite really fancying her during my hormone filled teens, nothing bar making out (which was like shaking hands when you were 15) had ever happened between us. I was well and truly friend zoned and was usually the guy to pick up the pieces over the years when guys had treated her like shit, and there had been many times where I had physically carried her home drunk and put her to bed so I was well liked by her family. I had actually her tits (and she did have a great rack – E/F cups) on numerous occasions and whilst i’d be lying if i said i hadn’t cracked one off to her, there was never any danger of our friendship developing into anything more.

24[M] Corrupted by an older [F] colleague – Part 4 – The Back Door

Following on from [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lgzc0n/24m_corrupted_by_29f_colleague/), [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lhjz8s/24m_corrupted_by_an_older_f_colleague_part_2/) and [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/libmq0/24m_corrupted_by_female_colleague_29f_part_3/). Thanks to all those who have enjoyed so far!

*”Good” she said. “You do now…” as she got up and let my eyes follow her big juicy arse into the bathroom. Already i could feel my cock start to twitch again…*

The remainder of the weekend was either spent on the sofa or fucking (fucking on the sofa was quite difficult due to Lucy’s housemate being around although we did sneak a quick one in when she went to collect a takeout on the Saturday evening) before I left on Sunday to make the two hour, bus replacement journey home to my parents. Needless to say when I got in, wearing the clothes i’d gone to work in 2 days prior, I was shattered and keen to avoid any conversations as to my whereabouts so hit the sack.

On my commute in the next day, I couldn’t stop thinking about how we would deal with seeing each other back in the office and preventing colleagues from knowing our filthy little secret, and my mind became paranoid that somebody would clock us. These concerns however were quickly put to bed when Lucy walked past my desk and asked with a straight face how my weekend had been, knowing full well I had spent it pumping her cunt and throat full of my bollock yoghurt.

24[M] corrupted by female colleague 29[F] – Part 3

Following on from [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lgzc0n/24m_corrupted_by_29f_colleague/) & [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lhjz8s/24m_corrupted_by_an_older_f_colleague_part_2/). Thanks to all those who have enjoyed so far!

*As i got out the cab, all i could smell was her sweet cum on my fingers which instantly got me aroused before she grabbed my hand and lead me into her flat…*

Now after having some rest in the ridiculously expensive cab ride home, you’d think i’d be raring to go but unfortunately the effects of the constantly flowing champagne and the fact it was now 4am meant I was out before my head hit the pillow where it remained until i was woken by the sound of running water from the ensuite. I turned over (still pretty much fully clothed) to see I was alone in bed and quickly deduced Lucy must have been taking a shower.

I reached over and grabbed my phone from the side and flicked through a couple of messages including one from my mum giving me a lecture about letting her know if I’m not coming home now I’m back under her roof. My head was far too foggy to get into that debate so I put it down roughly at the same time Lucy emerged from the shower in a pink fluffy dressing gown and a towel wrapped round her head.

24[M] Corrupted by an older [F] colleague – Part 2

Thank you for the reaction to [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lgzc0n/24m_corrupted_by_29f_colleague/) – I know it was long but got abit carried away with my first time writing… anyway, here’s part 2…

“Fancy saving me?x”

My hard on created by the grindings of the birthday slut had just subsided but just reading those three words made my cock start to stand to attention again. My natural reaction was to reply “Absolutely!” but i decided to play it cool, instead replying “Sorry, who is this?”

Instantly my phone lit up again. “It’s Lucy, this is Harry right?”

“Oh sorry! Completely forgot about that! Sure most people are heading off soon so meet you in The Folly?” – This was obviously all complete bullshit – I hadn’t forgotten and people weren’t leaving but it got us away from both work colleagues and the horny birthday slut who any minute now would be looking for me for a second set of tonsil tennis and to continuing rubbing my cock like it was the lamp from Aladdin.

“See you there in 10 x” came the response so i grabbed my coat and made a swift exit without saying goodbye to anyone.

24[M] corrupted by 29[F] colleague…

First time posting, more to come if this gets liked…

It was late 2014 and I was fast approaching my 5 year anniversary with my girlfriend at the time, Nic who I had met at university. On the whole it had been relatively happy relationship but we had many battles around trust which stemmed from incidents that had occurred early on in our relationship. I was (and hopefully still am) quite a decent looking guy – 6ft 2, brown hair, athletic build and blue eyes that were prone to wonder which resulted in two notable incidents.