Among Us spin off (M/F) Tentacles.

Shara tenses when she hears the steady heartbeat of one of her crewmates drop to a flat line. A quick tap of her helmet brings up her crew bio-levels across her vision, and she grunts in frustration when she see’s Craig’s red cross over his ID photo.

She feels bad now, ordering Craig to the other end of the ship, but she had to be careful. He had been suspicious of her for the last three shifts, and had argued over her innocence. However, it was probably more due to the fact that she had been one of the other five to vote his brother out.

Shara slammed the wire box shut that she had been working on. Damn ship was so old it had its own vermin ecosystem. She had spent almost everyday this week double checking the chewed through wires in the left wing. A rumble sounded above her, and she turned her head to follow the noise as it moved down the hallway, and to the left.

Pulling her helmet off, she followed it with swift steps and rounded the corner to see a green suited Cron shimmy out of a vent. She threw her helmet , aiming for his head, only to have a tentacle whip out from under his own helmet to swat it away.