James battle with covid 19 part one.

Weeks can stretch in ages. Everyone was suffering in quarantine but James knew he was suffering more than most. His knuckles were raw, his knees ached, his cock caused him crippling pain every time it twitched. He had never been happier.

It wasn’t the release his new mistress provided that made him glow with pleasure. It was a highlight, but it wasn’t the point. It was the service. It was knowing that his service made her happy. It was knowing that slowly he was becoming part of her life. Everything she touched he to had touched. Everything she wore he got to see as she dressed. Every inch of her body he had been allowed to worship and he was proud to have earned that honor.

He glanced up from the granite tiles he was scrubbing. She was leaning over the counter scrolling through something on her phone. He paused to admire her long lean legs. He had seen a lot of those legs over the last month, Julie’s favorite round the house attire was only tight high cut satin panties and a baggy t-shirt. James liked to think she chose those outfits just for him, of course he wasn’t sure if they were her favorites before he entered her life, but either way he admired them.

[fdom] Your instructions

Are you lying on your bed? Are you comfortable? Make sure you are comfortable. I intend to keep you here for while, a long while. Do you have your lubricant, your rope and a towel within arm reach? You’re going to need those. We both want your cock to feel good. I know I don’t want a raw blistered member wilting under my pressure. I want a tall, hard, smooth shaft, glistening and twitching on my command. Stay dressed now. Don’t rush things. Remember that hardness belongs to me.

I feel sexy dressed like this. My leggings are tight. I love the way they flex and pull with every step I take. I would never wear this pair in public as they slip up between my ass cheeks and hug my pussy lips. They feel nice against my pussy. They feel even nicer as I rub my pussy softly thinking about that hard aching cock between your legs. My hard cock between your legs. You know how disappointed I would be if you were already touching it.