Him and her — The Brat (part 1)

Him and her — The Brat (part 1)

“You don’t mind, right?” She said, more than asked. Because it wasn’t really a question. She was going out and would be back after last call. It was her friend, the bartender. The bartender who was perennially on the outs with her boyfriend. But she “really needed her!” Again. And of course that meant she had to spend at least an hour after last call talking her off the ledge so she could go home. And of course that meant she would come home exhausted with the last of her buzz wearing off. And of course she had to work in the morning, so any hopes of her stumbling to the bedroom looking for anything but her pillow was out of the question.

“I’ll be waiting for you when you get back,” he said with a bit of a resigned sigh and a smirk.

He had just gotten home. His shifts had been running late and the time he got to see her during the week was minimal even when she wasn’t rushing out to comfort her girlfriend. True to the saying, absence had been making the heart grow fonder.