*Hello, everyone! My name is Theodore (Teddy, for short), and I am 19. I am an experienced writer (over eight years and counting) with an adoration for the dramatics that come with queer love (and it’s angst) in literature and media!*
*So, for starters, I am a terrible gay —* *and as expressed in the text above, I love terrible romances. Oh! And for future reference and clarification — I prefer to play canon characters against the ocs of my writing partners! In other words, if the title wasn’t obvious enough, you get to date your cute little crushes!*
*I enjoy everything there is to literature, and with that, I enjoy it’s many genres (as stated above). It’s easy for me to adapt. I’ve had experiences with just about, almost, everything. High Fantasy, Noir, Slice of life,, the list could go on. My roleplays range from complex stories, to things that are simple and easier to process (depending on my partner’s preference). This, however, should not be confused with the average two to three sentences that makeup something similar to a child’s storybook — that would be cringe. Many of the characters I play also have obvious emotional problems/traumas, which could lead to semi – “toxic” relationships, but this could be elaborated in dms! ^^*