Dorm shower blowjob [FM]

This is a bit of a follow up to my previous story, with the same guy.

Not long after we started dating, I spent the night with him in his dorm room one Friday night since we were planning to get up early and go hiking together. In the morning, we woke up around 6, each grabbed a change of clothes and a towel and went to shower. He went to the men’s room at one end of the hall, I went to the women’s room at the other end. I got in the shower, stripped down, and turned the water on only to discover the shower wasn’t working. None of the showers in the women’s room were, tried the sinks, nothing. This was odd, so I wrapped the towel around me and went down the hall to see how he was faring. I cracked the door to the men’s room and heard the distinct sound of a shower running. I called out his name.

“Yeah?” he said sounding a bit startled.

“There’s no water in the bathroom, is it working in here?”

“Yeah, it’s fine here.”

“Can I just shower in here?”

How I lost my [f] virginity [fm]

I [25F] have been lurking here for awhile, getting myself off to all your stories, I’ve decided its time to reciprocate and share one of mine.

My second year of college, the night before Christmas break, this guy and I were the only ones in our friend group who hadn’t gone home for break yet. We decided the only proper way to celebrate was to watch Christmas movies and drink in his dorm room. Drinking always makes me cuddly, so by the third drink and second movie I had started to curl up with my head in his lap. It wasn’t long before I could feel him getting hard under my head. I picked my head up and looked at his pants then up at him in “really?” sort of way.

“Sorry, I can’t help it, you are super cute right now” he said.

“That’s ok, I don’t mind” I said as I put my head back down.

But even as I said that, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I had never felt a penis before and if I’m being honest it was kinda turning my on. I was so distracted thinking about his penis right next to my head I couldn’t even pay attention to the movie. It wasn’t long before curiosity got the best of me.