I (22f) had a great time at a high school reunion [group, m/f]

I graduated from high school about five years ago. A few months ago one of my old friends who I hadn't really talked to since graduating reached out to me, inviting me to a big reunion party just to catch up with everyone. I thought it would be pretty fun, so I agreed to go. I go to college a few hours away from my high school so it wasn't too much of a bother for me to drive there anyway.

I had, to say the least, an interesting time in high school, which is my polite way of saying I was "that" girl, which is everyone's way of saying I was a slut. My main group of friends was this group where all of us thought we were so much cooler than we were, hanging out at this one gas station drinking cheap beer I (and a couple of my friends) would "convince" older guys to get for us. I was the "pass-around" girl for the group, and I basically was shared between the guys in the friend group almost on a daily basis after school.

Like I said, it was an interesting, but fun, time!