Rokjesdag [age gap] [F18 M50]

All characters in my stories are 18+. English isn’t my first langue so I’m sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes and I Appreciate any feedback on my writing both in the comments or a chat. This is the setup for a new story I’ve played a few times in my head now. Let me know if you think I should keep it going with a part 2.

Growing up in the Netherlands I (Hannah 18) had grown up with the Dutch concept of “Rokjesdag” (skirt day). This is the first warm and sunny spring day in the Netherlands in which girls and woman wore short skirts. While my mom is a conservative Christian Vietnamese mom, I found myself to be old enough to make my own choices. So, I was very excited to participate in the tradition. While my mom still did not allow me to have short skirts, I was lucky enough I could stash one at my friend Wendy’s (18) house. So when I woke up early in the morning and saw it was going to be sunny and over 17 degrees outside, I punt on a pair of pantyhose underneath my jeans and left home extra early so I could change at Wendy’s before first period.

Categorized as Erotica

Meeting strangers online [FM] [CNC] [Age gap] [F18 M30+]

This will be my second story it will be a lot shorter than the long my first steps series. I will be continuing that series but as ive been having this fantasy for weeks now from when I started posting I had to write it to get it out of my mind.

All characters in my stories including me are 18+. This story is purely fiction and not an invitation to do this in real life.

My name is Hannah, I’m 18 years old. When I was 2 years old and living with both my parents in Vietnam on the outskirts of Ha Noi my dad passed away. Shortly after his passing my mom and I immigrated to Europe where we still live to this day. We live in a tiny village and apart from the Chinese family that owns the Chinese restaurant in town we are the only Asian people in town. Most people in our village are tall and blonde so I kind of standout being short (155) thin (45) and having dark brown hair. While my mom does speak some of the local language, she also kind of depends on me to translate things for her but we have a good life with just the two of us.

My [F]irst steps part 5 [MF-FF] [age-gap]

All characters in story including me are 18+

This is the fifth part of my first story the other posts are in my post history. I’ve been away for a while, sorry, I was busy with school and Summercamp but I’m back now.

In the last part I had made out with my friend Wendy and noticed the difference between how guys kiss and how girls kiss. And before we were interrupted by her older brother, I had played with her far bigger boobs. After this I went to cycle home in the pouring rain. Wendy lived about 15 minutes away by bike so when I came home, I had cooled off from our making out and I was soaked and cold. My mom was already home and waiting for me at the door.

Categorized as Erotica

My [f]irst steps part 3 [Mf-ff] [age-gap]

All characters in story including me are 18+

This is the fourth part of my first story

In the last part Wendy had kissed me in her room, pushed me backward on her bed and got on top of me. My heart was racing while I kissed er back. While when making out with Klaas I was on top and now Wendy had really pushed herself on top of me making out with Wendy was very different from Klaas. Klaas was rough and hard, it was a lot of kissing and feeling the stubble of his beard on my chin even his lips and tongue seemed rough when compared to Wendy. Wendy was soft almost delicate; it wasn’t smashing lips together but feeling her lips on mine. Feeling how softly her tongue would explore mine. When she kissed my neck, I could not hold back an embarrassing moan of pure lust and pleasure. I put my arms to her back almost scratching her as she kissed my earlobe. When she looked me in the eyes, I kissed her while I felt her hand touch my neck, and caress gently over the side of my jumper.

My [F]irst steps part 4 [MF-FF] [age-gap]

All characters in story including me are 18+

This is the fourth part of my first story the other parts are here:

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

In the last part Wendy had kissed me in her room, pushed me backward on her bed and got on top of me. My heart was racing while I kissed er back. While when making out with Klaas I was on top and now Wendy had really pushed herself on top of me making out with Wendy was very different from Klaas. Klaas was rough and hard, it was a lot of kissing and feeling the stubble of his beard on my chin even his lips and tongue seemed rough when compared to Wendy. Wendy was soft almost delicate; it wasn’t smashing lips together but feeling her lips on mine. Feeling how softly her tongue would explore mine. When she kissed my neck, I could not hold back an embarrassing moan of pure lust and pleasure. I put my arms to her back almost scratching her as she kissed my earlobe. When she looked me in the eyes, I kissed her while I felt her hand touch my neck, and caress gently over the side of my jumper.

My [f]irst steps part 3 [Mff] [age-gap]

All characters in story including me are 18+

This is the third part of my first story

In the last part Klaas had just picked me up with one hand, and I had set me in his lap where we made out for more than half an hour. After the bell rang, I had gone to my next class felling myself tremble with excitement while Klaas had asked me to keep our attraction secret. While in my next class, a language and literature class, I could not stop thinking about how quickly that escalated. I had been at the school for only a few months and Klaas and I just had this attraction to each other we barely talked but we just did that. And while he seemed sweet it was also kind of clear I did not have a choice, not that I wanted one. In my classes I often sat next to one of my oldest friends her name is Wendy. Wendy looks a lot more like the other girls from the village she has blonde half long hair, she is a lot taller than me and she does have boobs while I always kind of stayed flat.

My [F]irst steps part 3 [MF] [age-gap]

All characters in story including me are 18+

This is the third part of my first story the other parts are here:

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

In the last part Klaas had just picked me up with one hand, and I had set me in his lap where we made out for more than half an hour. After the bell rang, I had gone to my next class felling myself tremble with excitement while Klaas had asked me to keep our attraction secret. While in my next class, a language and literature class, I could not stop thinking about how quickly that escalated. I had been at the school for only a few months and Klaas and I just had this attraction to each other we barely talked but we just did that. And while he seemed sweet it was also kind of clear I did not have a choice, not that I wanted one. In my classes I often sat next to one of my oldest friends her name is Wendy. Wendy looks a lot more like the other girls from the village she has blonde half long hair, she is a lot taller than me and she does have boobs while I always kind of stayed flat.

My [F]irst steps part 1 [MF] [age-gap]

All characters in story including me are 18+

This is the second part of my first story part 1 is here:

[Part 1](

At the end of part 1 I was making my way to class in my still very wet clothes but with less wet hair. I had Religious Studies class in the first period on the 3rd floor of the school and my teacher miss de Jong is a real stickler for rules, she used to be a preacher before she started teaching. So when I walked in class 10 minutes late without a note and tried to take a seat, she stood me in front of the whole class and I had to explain why i was late. I was so embarrassed. Especially as she told the whole class they all also had to deal with wind and rain but they did manage to leave home in time. I said i was sorry again and wanted to go to my seat but she then told me I had to go get the note because I was not welcome in class without the note. I explained I did go to see the Janitor but that I just forgot to get the note. Of course she did not believe me. So I had to go all the way down stairs again. On the way down I decided to stop at the lavatory to at least get my wet pants down for a few minutes while i went to pee. That was when I noticed it wasn’t just my pants that were wet, my panties were also moist.

My [F]irst steps part 1 [MF] [age-gap]

All characters in story including me are 18+

This is my first story and English isn’t my first langue so please forgive any spelling or grammatical mistakes. And your feedback is appreciated in my DM’s. The names in the story were changed.

To start off my story you need to know me a little, my name is Hannah, I was born in Vietnam and my mom and I moved to Europe when I was 2 years old. We live in a small town in a western European country. I’m pretty short and thin compared to my tall blond European classmates. Where they are all in the 165cm range I’m short like 150, thin and have sleek long black hair. So, I tend to stand out a bit. But coming here at a young age I speak both the language and the local dialect well enough and the people in my neighborhood know me well enough that I don’t feel like an outcast or anything but dating was pretty difficult. Most guys here and of my age like blonde girls with big boobs and butts and that is just not me and I can come across as shy and I tend to be quieter so I don’t like go up to guys. I’ve made out with boys and even with some a girl who is a friend a few times but I haven’t like dated.