Sunday drive [MF]

A Sunday Drive to remember,

God I love this car… the sweet rumblings of the 350 wide open on the road made my nipples pucker. I glanced across the car and watched him for a moment. His strong, callused hand atop of the wheel, his tanned arm so relaxed in the open window. The bulge of his bicep under his taught tee made me think of last night and how strong he felt holding me against the bed then later against himself. I don’t even know why I liked it but wow just thinking of it was making me squirm in my seat. I tried to refocus my gaze to outside of the car. The song changed on the radio and Aerosmith started pumping through the speakers I see his little smirk as I reach to turn it up higher. Yes, this was the same song that was playing last night when he told me that he like BDSM – I still haven’t had the nerve to tell him I didn’t know what that actually meant, but I sure loved everything we did last night. He must have seen on my face where my thoughts had gone because that smirk turned to a devilish grin before my eyes. Pulling up to the stop light he starts singing the lyrics with me. He catches my eye as we are waiting… I roll mine and try to keep the blush creeping across my skin from turning me into a giant tomato. The light must have turned green as I feel the force of the car taking off. Damn that man and this car. My panties are just about soaked as I watch the flaps in the reversed scooped hood close.