How a vacation with fa[m]ily [f]riend’s turned into me hooking up with a 30 year old mother as and 18 year old. (Part 2)

The link below is to the first story.
That night, after Elena and I descended down the bluff and made it to the fire, we met the others. I remember being in sort of a dazed state, and I decided to separate myself from her and the group consciously. At one point, I caught her eyes across the fire, but she turned away from me quickly and I later saw her leave back up to the cabins with the Uncle and her Sister.

That night my friend and I also got very drunk. There was a good vibe, and my friend was having some success with an older girl he had met earlier in the week. When I woke up the next morning, it took me a moment to remember that what happened between Elena and I actually did happen. I went down to breakfast and I suddenly had this weird paranoid thought that everyone knew what had occurred, which was impossible, but still an awkward state to be in considering my mother was probably serving me and my little sister pancakes that morning.

How a vacation with fa[m]ily [f]riend’s turned into me hooking up with a 30 year old mother as an 18 year old.

All right, this is actually a true story. It’s one that’s been imprinted into my minds sexual history gallery because when it happened, it was completely unexpected. (first post – a little long)

I was 18 on a family vacation to a summer cabin on the West Coast. My family was meeting our closest friends, including my best friend and my sister’s best friend at the time. This family’s name is the Henderson’s and they were also bringing along the Henderson’s father’s brother (around 35) his fiancé (early 30’s) and the fiancé’s younger sister (around 30) who had a son who was around 7 at the time. So as it goes it was my family in one cabin, the Henderson’s in another, and the Uncle and his fiancé and her sister’s in another.

My parent’s are liberal people, and having just graduated high school, my best friend and myself were considered adults throughout the trip. The older adult’s on this trip loved to party, and wine and beer flowed from the porches to the beach all throughout the early afternoons and into the nights of perfect weather. My best friend and I had access to beer and wine whenever we wanted, and often spent the evenings after the large group dinners lugging hidden beers in our pockets down to the beach. We met a bunch of other young vacationers our age and partied on the beach early into the morning’s aiming to meet girls at the various fires that littered the coastal beach.